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Q: Is it true that living things can survive in environments where their needs are met?
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What makes living things different?

living things have different physical features and different needs to survive.

How do living things get the things they need to survive?

They get their needs by interacting and by working with the people of a community.

Definition of basic needs of living things?

Basic needs of living things are essential requirements for survival and growth. These typically include food, water, shelter, and air. Meeting these needs ensures the health and well-being of organisms.

What is adaptation in living things?

The features that help a living thing to fulfil their basic needs and survive in its habitat are called as adaptations.

Describe the basic needs of all living organisms?

-living things need food for energy -living things need water in order to survive -living things need a suitable habitat to survive -living things exchange gases, when animals breathe in and out,its body is getting rid of carbon dioxide and is breathing in oxygen

Which of these influences the activity of living things and causes behavior to change?

External stimuli, internal needs, environmental conditions, and genetic predispositions can all influence the activity of living things and cause behaviors to change. These influences can lead to a variety of responses and adaptations in order to survive and thrive in different environments.

What four things do all organisms to survive?

All living things must satisfy their basic needs for water , food ,living space , and stable internal conditions

What needs water to survive?

Any living creature, including plants, needs water to survive.

Does a butterfly's pupa need air to survive?

i think a caterpillar needs air because it is a living things.

How can coral live in shallow warm water?

They need sunlight, and lots of it, because the way that they survive is the algae living inside of them, so they water needs to be shallow. It needs to be warm because algae cannot grow in cold environments.

What abiotic thing do biotic things need to survive?

Biotic things need abiotic things like sunlight, water, and nutrients to survive. These abiotic factors provide the energy and resources necessary for life processes such as photosynthesis and metabolism.

What tree lives in water?

Trees live in water because that all living things around the world needs water to survive.