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Q: Is it true that most chemical reactions involve in one step?
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What is the meaning of metabolic pathway?

A sequence of chemical reactions that lead from some precursor to a product, where the product of each step in the series is the starting material for the next step.

Why is water split during the light reactions?

The water splitting step in photosynthesis is critical as a source of hydrogen ions (protons). These provide essential chemical energy to drive later chemical reactions.

What are two chemical reactions that are necessary to give cell energy?

This energy is derived from the chemical bond energy in food molecules, which thereby serve as fuel for cells. The first step is the enzymatic breakdown of food molecules in digestion, and the second step that converts glucose molecules is called glycolysis.

Second step in photosynthesis?

The second step in the Photosynthesis is the Calvin Cycle. It is also known as the Light-Independant Reactions or the Dark Reactions. :3

What is the biggest chemical reaction from homemade stuff?

How big is the biggest chemical reaction depends on what you mean by "big." Is it a reaction with the most spectacular result, the most ingredients, the most steps, or the most of something else? One suggestion was making Luminol, which is an 8 step reaction, and each step is a chemical reaction its self. Look at NurdRage video on how to make it on YouTube

What the purpose of redox reactions in a cell?

to release energy slowly in a step-by-step process.

What is the purpose redox reactions in the cells?

To rlease energy slowly in a step-by-step process

What is the purpose of redox reactions in a cell?

to release energy slowly in a step-by-step process.

What is the first step to photosynthesis?

Light Dependant Reactions

What is the first step that should be taken when starting treatment on most chemical agent cases?

Get the patient to fresh air or away from the chemical agent.

How are light reactions and dark reactions similar and different?

Differences: >light reactions occur in the thykaloid membranes, but dark occur in stroma >light reactions are light dependent, or they need light to take place, whereas dark reactions don't > dark reactions use the products of the light reactions >light reactions are the first step of photosynthesis and dark reactions are the second step Similarities: >both in photosynthesis Thats really the only similarity!!! hope this helps :)