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Q: Is it true that most people rejected Christianity and turned to deism and other enlightenment ideas?
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What impact did the Crusades have in the decline of the Roman Catholic Church in Western Europe?

Because of the Crusades, the stage was set for the Protestant Reformation. The Protestant Reformation is when man rejected the distorted Christianity of Rome and turned to the truths of the Biblical Christianity.

Why was Saul rejected as king?

Saul, though a good king to start, eventually turned away from God, and rejected his word(1 Samuel 15:24-28)

What is the difference between rejected and dejected?

Rejected is to be turned away, while dejected means to feel let down, sad, disappointed. Example sentence: Larry felt dejected after another college rejected his application to enter pre-law studies.

What was Saint Andrew's religion?

He was originally a Jew but turned to Christianity.

Was there a time when people thought Christianity had died?

there wasnt a time when Christianity has ever "died" it has merly not been favored by the public. in England during the second industrial revolution the catholic church was being turned on because the people where more educated with the new privleges to vote.

Why was the church during the Renaissance resistant to change?

The Renaissance was a long period that was dominated by a passion for returning to pre-Christian philosophies, languages, and thought. The early Humanists rejected the Scholastics and their whole school of though. They rejected Aristotle's idea that man was a "rational animal", the humanists venerated the imagination as highly as the analytic faculty, emphasizing rhetoric - the art of persuasion and poetry to move the heart rejecting the Scholastics "sterile attempts at definition". Thus the humanists adopted Plato and learned Greek, they re-examined the Scriptures through methods of literary analysis: the precise meaning of words, metaphors, and other poetic qualities. Although most of the first humanists remained believing Catholics, the movement inevitably led away from Christianity, and the scholastics were very suspicious of the entire movement from the beginning. This deifying of ancient pagan culture and philosophy weakened the logic of Christianity eventually giving rise to the protestant heresy and nearly simultaneously to secularism which rejected God in toto, much less Christianity. This was the thinking that turned the great Age of Faith into the Dark Ages as people turned against the Church and Christ rejected the immense faith and learning of the great Catholic scholars of that period.

Were ancient roman Christians rich or poor?

Poor. Christianity was indeed a religion for poor and underprivileged people at first. Mainly people with no influence on politics or anything, with no money, turned easily to Christians. Christianity promised remission and good afterlife to people who didn't do so well in real life. People who first turned to Chistianity were slaves, women (who had much smaller opportunities than men in ancient times), sick and disadvantaged people, and poor ones. Later emperor Constantine the Great developed the Edict of Milan in 313, which allowed Christians to practise their religion without persecution, which had happened before in the Empire. Constantine made Christianity a state religion and turned to a Christian himself, although not until his 40s. After that conditions for Christians improved vastly, and all people of Roman Empire had to turn to Christianity.

What is difference between rejected and dejected?

Rejected is to be turned away, while dejected means to feel let down, sad, disappointed. Example sentence: Larry felt dejected after another college rejected his application to enter pre-law studies.

Who was Christianity founded by?

Jesus Christ made the Christianity religion but now there are many religions because of Adam and Eve turned away from God.

Why does a guy bite his nails when he proposes to a girl?

Out of nervousness; the fear of being rejected or turned down can be very stressful.

How many times was Columbus turned down before he got apporval?

rejected 4 times

How can you save other people from going to hell?

I am assuming that you are talking about Christianity here..You can't save people from going to hell. Only Jesus can. But you can help in their decision of becoming a Christian by praying for them and setting a good example. One of the reasons people are so turned away from the idea of Christianity is because Christians who try to convert them are very preachy. I would suggest that you NOT do this.