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Q: Is it true that moving an object a shorter distance requires more work than moving an object a greater distance?
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How can a lever generate a large force?

A lever works against a fulcrum. If there is a shorter section of the lever at one end of the fulcrum and a longer section at the other end, then you can exert a force on the longer end of the lever, and have a greater force exerted on the shorter end. That is because you are moving the long end through a longer distance than the shorter end moves, and all the force exerted over the longer distance is then effectively compressed into the shorter distance.

What is the connection between thinking distance and speed?

The longer the thinking distance, the more time it takes to react, to break. The shorter the thinking distance the, the less time taken to stop therefore leaving a shorter breaking distance!

Why are big wheels better for a mousetrap car?

Because the axle is moving just as many rotations but since the wheels are bigger it's moving a greater distance. Because it's a big wheel, after all the string is gone, the wheels keep moving, which lets your car coast a longer distance.

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When objects are far away, the distance of the object is much greater than the distance that you are moving. Hence, there is little change in the relative position of you and the object.

The slope of a line on a distance time graph represents?

The slope of a line on a distance-time graph represents the speed or velocity. The steeper the line is and the greater the slope of the line is, the faster the object is moving.

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The redshift is caused by relative motion that increases the distance from the source to the observer. The faster the source of light is moving away to the observer, the greater the redshift

Is it possible to have a Rf value greater than 1?

No, it's not possible to have an RF value greater than one. Rf values are a ratio of the distance a spot has traveled to the total distance of the solvent front. Since the distance of the front is always greater than the distance of a spot, the Rf value is always less than 1.

Why is it physically hard to go up an escalator when it's not moving?

Because the distance between the steps is not the same as in normal stairs, it is larger and therefore requires more effort to climb.

How do you interpret how an object is moving from a distance time graph?

If the distance is not changing, the object is not moving. If the distance is increasing or decreasing linearly then the object is moving at a constant velocity. If the distance is increasing or decreasing parabolically then the object is being accelerated or decellerated.

How do you be safe with moving objects?

keep distance with moving objects.

Does a person look taller or shorter if you're moving at the speed of light?

If ur moving at the speed of light the person looks shorter because your going so fast it looks like the person is streched out

Is When a person swims through water no work is done true?

Work is sure done. For example, moving the arms to swim requires force - and the force is done over a distance.