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Q: Is it true that one part of the earth always faces the sun?
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Is ti true that one part of earth always faces the sun?

No it is not true the earth orbits the sun and rotates at the same time.the earth is tilted on a 23.5degree angle and the north pole is always face a star called the Polaris star. And that's about all I know because I'm only 11i hope this helped you and have fun.

What is true about the moon's orbit around Earth?

The moon's orbital period is the same as its rotational period, so the same side of the moon always faces the earth.

Is it true that earth is seen upwards from moon?

Generally, yes, just as we see the moon when it is "up". Earth can be just over the horizon of the moon, or straight up, depending where you are on the moon. The same side of the moon always faces the earth, so from the far side, Earth can never be seen.

Is it true that the moon is always much closer to the earth than it is to the sun?


Your moon always shows the same face to the earth?


When one half of earth has sunlight the other half is dark?

Because the earth rotates and each part is illuminated as it turns 'toward' the sun and because the earth moves around the sun that's why.

Is it true that a polygedron has 4 faces?

If you mean a polyhedron then it is true that it can have 4 or more faces

Why does an Arabian horse have a dished face?

Arabians naturally have always had dished faces and they weren't bred to have concave faces. It has been speculated that it helps in the position of the bridle, but no such evidence has proved the theory true. I hope I provided the answer you were looking for!

Does the moon have day and night if so why?

Just like the earth, the moon has a side that faces the sun (day) and a side that faces away from the sun (night). During a full moon, the side of the moon that faces the earth is lit by the sun and appears in daylight whereas the side of the moon that faces away from the earth is in shadow (night). During a new moon, the opposite is true. The side of the moon that faces the earth is in shadow (night) and the side that faces away from the earth is exposed to the sun (day).

Here on earth it is true yesterday is always before today but there is a place where yesterday always follows today where?

In the dictionary

Is it true you can die if you eat diatomaceous earth?

Yes, but not always, you can get very sick too.

Is it true that Positive feedback interactions in Earth's systems are always a result of human action?
