

Best Answer
Third Set of TeethExtra/super-numerary teeth are rare but possible.

Here are some stories and input submitted by FAQ Farmers:

  • The night of my 3rd birthday I was rushed to hospital because I had hit my head on a rocking chair and knocked out one of my baby teeth. After my first visit to an authordontist they decided that i needed to come back as something about my mouth wasn't quite right. So i went back again, and again and again and again. i attended my 154th dentist appointment by the time i was 9 and that was when they told me that i had three sets of teeth. After being diagnosed they wasted no time giving me my first set of braces at the age of ten. upon the removal of my braces my teeth moved back into their crazy way ( as they were terribly messy) they then removed a further 2 teeth and then another 6 teeth by the time i turned 15 and then i had my second set of braces put on. i have more than 12 less teeth than your average person i guess i'm just lucky.
  • Most of my second set of molars erupted in pairs and the spare ones had to be removed. In my early teens I then grew a complete third set, excepting the four central eye teeth. There were no complications. I am now 56 and have never come across anyone with a comparable condition.
  • I myself have three sets of teeth: one baby, two adult (a trait I inherited from my father). Because of it my second set (first set of adult teeth) were forced through early and, due to the lack of space in my mouth, I had a LOT of teeth removed. I'm 18 now and still on my second set. I'm just hoping that when my wisdom teeth come through I don't have an extra set of them as well!
  • I too am plagued with the horrible reality that I have three sets of teeth. Today while eating lunch I discovered that I had a tooth growing in at the front of my mouth. Although the tooth was not loose, I decided to pull it out. At first, I had to hit the tooth with a soda a few times, but after a little time I was able to loosen it to a point at which I could personally remove it, without the assistance of novicane. Even though much pain was enflicted on my poor toothful soul, I managed to pull it out. Don't go on with this problem: get them removed.
  • My great-grandmother had three sets. When she was 60+ years old, her teeth started falling out. They decided the best thing to do was pull the rest and give her dentures. Thing is, one or two grew back in. The dentist continued pulling teeth, and more kept coming. At the end of the day (or year as it may be), he ended up pulling an entire third set.
  • My 41 year old husband is on his third set of teeth, and dental x-rays reveal another set below the present teeth. We do not know if other members of the family have this trait. My husband lived the first 11 years of his life in Las Vegas, where the water is very high in fluoride. His naturally straight teeth are the envy of those of us who suffered years of braces, and he never had a cavity until he was an adult (lots of tarter, but only four small caries in 41 years).
  • I'm 18 and have had many dental problems thus far in life. My adult teeth came through very late, making it impossible for me to get braces to straighten my teeth until last year, and I also had a molar growing through the roof of my mouth, which had to be pushed into the correct place using a plastic brace and will still need train tracks to correct it. While studying the progress of my brace in the mirror I discovered that, along my bottom jaw, I appear to have a third set of every tooth (except for my incisors) growing.
  • Yes. When I was about twelve I started losing my teeth. I was terrified until I found that a third set was growing in. My third set has never caused me any pain and is much straighter than my other two. My maternal aunt had the exact same thing happen so we believe it may be inherited through her father (my maternal grandfather).
  • I believe my extra set of teeth was also inherited paternally. When I grew them, some 45 years ago, a young South African dentist wanted to write a paper about the condition but was prevented. I have attempted to discover what actually happened, but after such a time lapse I have found it virtually impossible to trace him. In my search, I have spoken to other dentists who say that third dentition of this nature is very rare and could be even more interesting if the gene line it is inherited through can be traced.
  • I have heard about the elderly people who had a new set of teeth.. These were rural people whose dental stories were known only locally. Though the mechanism seems yet-to-be-discovered, the possibility should be considered, rather than refusing the idea as unrealisitc.
  • When I was 13 years old and going into ortho, my x-rays showed a third set of permanent teeth. However, the were upside down. The roots were pointing down toward my permanent teeth and the crown of the tooth was growing up into my nasal cavity. I had to have oral surgery. The cut into the palette behind my teeth and removed the bone that was encasing them. Once the bone was removed they quarted each tooth and had to remove them piece by piece. After the teeth were all removed they graphed the bone back in and stitched my palette. These rare teeth are referred to as "Mesiodens" -- more commonly known as "Supernumerary Teeth." My father, who is a dentist, had explained to me this phenomena. He was not the dentist that performed the surgery, his friend who is an oral surgeon did. For any of you who are born with this rare oral condition should feel lucky! There is a myth that it is a sign of royalty that dates back hundreds of years ago.
  • As a dentist I must add that nature is ever changing and never 'normal' for too long. Call it adaptation if you want to. Extra/super numerary teeth are often rare and unfortunately associated with other problems like 'tumors' or cysts. In the name of science I would like to request anyone with an 'extra set' of teeth to request for a copy of their X-rays and send over a copy/scan to the nearest dental college for scientific documentation.
  • My father had three complete sets of teeth, with four sets in the canines. I have had three sets in the upper canines, which have grown in two at a time - one behind the other. A dentist had to pull one on the left side of my upper jaw, but the others came out naturally.
  • I'm 26 years of age. When I was younger, not sure when, my baby teeth fell out as standard, replaced by adult teeth. Then four of those fell out on their own, to be replaced once more. The centre two teeth on both top and bottom rows. Haven't heard of that happening to anyone else until here.
  • I'm 25/f and I also had an extra set of permanent top teeth. Every tooth had a copy except for my two front teeth(yep, 4 wisdom teeth on top). All of my extra set came down on top of my first permanent set. My mom had this same trait except hers came down through the roof of her mouth. Since my mom knew about all the trouble she had to go through with hers, she made sure that my brother and I were x-rayed at every cleaning. My brother didn't have the extra set. My extra teeth showed up on x-ray when I was 13. By then, I already had braces. I saw my dentist, orthodonist, and oral surgeon more then my classmates for years. I had 16 teeth extracted. One summer, I had only 4 teeth on top and a full row on the bottom. Since having my last 2 wisdom teeth extracted at 21, my teeth haven't been the same. I grind my teeth every night to the point of chipping multiple teeth at least every 6 months and chewing on the inside of my cheeks.
  • I have also had an extra set of top teeth! My dentist sent me to the hospital to have my second set of Top teeth removed when I was just a teenager. My second set were in perfect condition but the dentist insisted that I was to have them remove to stop any complications in later life! How wrong now I think that decision was as after two painful opperations over two years as a teenager the third set that were forced to replace my second set are much weeker and since having my third set I have had nothing but problems having filling done nearly every two years since the operations. I am now 37 & have now had some teeth remove where a denture.
  • It is also possible to just have extra teeth in certain places. My little brother (age 8 at the time) was found to have an extra permanent front tooth. It looked like this:
  • When I was 20 and in the Air Force, I had a third set of teeth growing but all were impacted. As a consequence, I had all 22 of them removed at once by military dentists at the Chicago Naval Base. They dislocated my jaw, removed them all, put my jaw back together and then wired my jaw shut for three weeks. Unlike my grandfather, whose third set came in normally, mine were removed by this very painful process.
  • 1(extra) 1 1 (permanent) 1 1 (baby) The extra one was fighting to get in, so it made the other permanent teeth crooked. He had it removed in oral surgery. He will need braces to straighten the teeth that one messed up.
  • I am 19 and I went to the dentist about a year ago and they told me I was a celebrity because the x-rays showed a few extra teeth under my adult set on my lower jaw. Today one started growing out and it is concerning me as the inner right side of my lower gums are not flush against my teeth, they portrude due to what looks like 2 extra teeth. This is concerning me Because I dont know what I should do about this situation, or If there is anything that can be done.
  • In early 05, I still had my baby teeth! My dentist sent me to the QMC to have an X-ray...Which revealed an EXTRA set of teeth! I had my milk teeth, another set of baby teeth, and then my adult pair. I had an operation in May in 05 which removed the extra baby teeth.
  • My orthodontist has since been working to try and get my adult teeth down, and I am currently wearing a brace. I have got to have another operation soon to pull my gum up - showing my teeth, after that, it will all rest on a brace!
  • Replying to the question above, if you ask your dentist about it, maybe he/she could give you some advice.
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yes because when your baby teeth fall out you get adult teeth

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Q: Is it true that some people grow three sets of teeth?
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Related questions

How many sets of teeth does a person grow?

Humans have two sets of teeth in their lifetime.

Is it heredity to have three sets of teeth?

From researching on the internet it appears that having 3 sets of teeth is inherited and that its passed paternally.

What will happen next if your 5-year-old has had 2 sets of teeth fall out?

they will not have any teeth and will not grow back

What comes in four types and grow in two sets in one lifetime?


Is people growing 3 sets of teeth for real or are you all joking?

It is a genetic trait governed by the person's DNA, and it's very rare.

Can people have two sets of teeth at the same time?

1. A child's jaw is smaller and requires smaller teeth. That's why when we are born and we start growing out teeth, those teeth are temporary and fall out later on. 2. People needed their teeth to live. Having two sets of teeth (and periodically growing more teeth, like molars and wisdom teeth) meant that even if the front teeth rotted away, the person would still be able to eat. Dentistry hasn't been around anywhere near as long as humans have.

Do molars grow twice?

Yes. Like all other teeth molars have two sets of teeth. If you loose your first set (Baby teeth) they will grow back into adult teeth. But if your adult teeth fall out (second set) just like other teeth they will not grow back. It is painfull to have teeth missing, but you get used to it.

How many sets of teeth do we get in our lifetime?

for natural teeth, most people have a set of baby or milk teeth first. When these fall out as the adult teeth grow in.Some rare cases of multiple rows of teeth have been noted. Loss of the set of adult teeth may require full or partial artificial sets of teeth or dentures. These can be replaces many times.

How many sets of teeth does a crocodile have?

well a crocodile usually has three to eight sets of teeth

How do teeth grow back once one falls out?

In humans, we only get two sets of teeth. Children have what are known as milk teeth and these fall out, or are knocked out accidentally. We then get our adult teeth. In some other species - such as sharks, the teeth are continuously renewed.

Can people have four sets of teeth?

yes, this one person in the UK was born with a physical disorder which led him to have 4 sets of teeth. His name his Konna Ash and he is from Manchester, England.

Can you grow an exta tooth?

yes. this actually runs in my family. an extra tooth is called (a) Mesioden.