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Q: Is it true that the Mongols attacks weakened the Kamakura Shogunate in the battle?
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The Byzantines protected Europe from the attacks of who?

Turks Mongols

Why were the mongols so successful in their raids of Chinese towns?

The Mongols' skill on horseback allowed them to launch surprise attacks against Chinese towns.

What contributed to the fall of the Frankish Empire?

The Attacks of the Huns under Attila and later Mongols.

The Byzantines protected Western Europe from most of the attacks of the?

The Turks, mongols, Arabs, Persians, more Arabs and barbarians.

Is are caused by which attacks the immune system so that the infected person is weakened and cannot fight off common infections?

Aids; hiv.

What were mongol warriors known for?

The Mongols were known for two things: 1. Their ability to ride horses well 2. Their ability to wage war

Infection that attacks an individual already weakened by disease?

Opportunistic Infection. Pg. 90 in Memmler's The Human Body in Health and Disease 12th Edition.

Muhammad bin tughlaq changed his capital why?

Muhammud Bin Tugluq due to two reason: He thought that it be easy to control and administrate his empire as dulatabad was located at the centre of his empire. second Mongols were a constant threat to Delhi.Dulatabadwould be safe from Mongol attacks

Does aids stand for autoImmunodeficiency Syndrome?

AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency. It is caused by a virus. It is not autoimmune. They are they exact opposite. In autoimmunity, the immune system is over active and mistakenly attacks the healthy self. In AIDS the immune system is extremely weakened and attacks next to nothing.

HIV causes AIDS as the result of what?

The HIV virus is a virus that attacks someone's immune system, more specifically, the T-cell. AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, or the acquisition of a weakened immune system. By destroying your T-cells, HIV causes AIDS.

When were the terrorist attacks?

There have been many terrorist attacks such as the September 11th attacks and the 67 terrorist attacks on Pakistan,The Mumbai attacks and many more

What are security attacks?

attacks on security