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Q: Is it true that the secondary sector of the economy is the part of the economy that generates raw material directly from the natural environment?
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What are secondary and tertiary occupations?

Secondary occupations- We get different types of raw material from primary occupations. However, most of it cannot be used directly. We need to process the raw material and make the necessary changes. The occupations that process raw materials and produce new materials are called secondary occupations

What is physical environment for business?

The physical environment for a business is the material objects that are used for a business. For instance, a business may be located in an office building with tables and chairs, or it may consist of a factory that makes products. All of the things that are in the area are part of the business physical environment.

How is tertiary sector different from primary and secondary sector?

The primary sector extracts raw materials from nature.The secondary sector manufactures those raw material from nature into good and services that can be used by the public.The tertiary sector distributes the finished product to different retailers,where consumers can have access to the product.

Why is primary research more expensive than secondary research?

Primary research or field research, is more expensive than secondary research because the material is not already available, hence the researcher must conduct their own research, creating surveys etc, which all cost money. Secondary research or desk research, is already available in libraries, the internet etc so the researcher does not have to conduct research, therfore requiring no/ little money

Why are more people employed in the tertiary sector?

in a nut shell this is because even though Britain don't do much in the secondary sector (producing) they actually give companies in china the material to make the products with

Related questions

What are secondary and tertiary occupations?

Secondary occupations- We get different types of raw material from primary occupations. However, most of it cannot be used directly. We need to process the raw material and make the necessary changes. The occupations that process raw materials and produce new materials are called secondary occupations

What is the secondary immune system?

The lymphatic system is sometimes called the secondary immune system, as it helps to fight infection by filtering out foreign material such as bacteria.The primary immune system is of course the white blood cells in the blood itself, which identify and attack foreign bodies directly.

Device that directly converts solar energy?

A photovoltaic (PV) cell, commonly known as a solar panel, directly converts sunlight into electricity through the photovoltaic effect. When sunlight hits the semiconductor material in the PV cell, it generates an electrical current that can be used to power various devices.

How would sociologists describe an economy that generates very little surplus food and material property?

It is a subsistence economy

What provides horizontal transport of material in stems and roots?

the secondary phloem

How is waste material harmful to our environment?


How does the environment affect food?

It affects the environment due to the material use to storage the food.

What different between Direct materials and Indirect materials?

Direct material is that material which directly involve in production of units like "wood" for furniture. Indirect material is that material which is not directly identifiable or allocatabl to product like "kneedles" in production of furniture

Is a raccoon a tertiary or secondary consumer?

Raccoons would generally be classified as a secondary consumer, although they do eat a considerable amount of plant material.

Name the material that is present for secondary succession that is not present for primary succession?


What material is present in secondary succession but not in primary succession?


How is environment different from ecology?

environment is a material exited; ecology is a relationships between all factors in the environment. Alishir Kurban