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Q: Is it true that the sons of liberty supported the tea boycott by throwing British tea overboard?
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What boycott urged colonists not to buy or import British goods?

The tea party I think. The colonists dressed up as indians and dumped all the overpriced tea overboard trying to prove a point in which the prices were to high.

The most effective tactic the colonists used against the hated taxes was a?

Boycott against british goods. S.O.S, right?

What plant was used for tea after the Boston Tea Party protests?

They still drank tea. It was a protest they did by throwing the tea overboard not a boycott. Soon after the Boston Tea Party, a shortage of imported tea forced the colonists to substitute bee balm as a tea during the shortage.

What did Rosa parks do for the bus boycott?

She supported it and help organize it.

Why did colonists form committees to enforce nonimportation agreement?

To ensure that colonists observed the boycott of British goods

Which act passed in British resulted in the first colonial boycott of British goods?

The Stamp Act resulted in the first colonial boycott of British goods.

Boycott used in a sentence?

Many colonists began a boycott of British goods.

How would you use the words boycott and protest in a sentence?

The women supported each other in a boycott to protest the high prices at the market.

which act passed in britain in the first colonial boycott of british goods?

The Stamp Act resulted in the first colonial boycott of British goods.

Which act passed in Britain resulted in the colonial boycott of British goods?

The Stamp Act resulted in the first colonial boycott of British goods.

What did some colonial woman do to help the boycott of british goods?

They helped by making stuff to boycott

What some colonial woman do to help the boycott of british goods?

They helped by making stuff to boycott