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Petros Araya

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10mo ago
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1w ago

Yes, in most cases, reaching for an object is sufficient to pick it up without the need to be physically close to it. Your arm's range and ability to extend make it possible to grab items from a distance.

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Q: Is it true that there is no need to be near an object to pick it up just reach?
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How do you find the density with just the volume?

To find density with just the volume, you need to know the mass of the object as well. Density is calculated by dividing the mass of an object by its volume. The formula for density is: Density = Mass / Volume.

What two things do you need to know to find the density of an object?

To find the density of an object, you need to know its mass and volume. Density is calculated by dividing the mass of the object by its volume.

This graph shows the relationship between distance and time for a moving object How many seconds would it take the object to move to the 150.0 meter mark?

To find how many seconds it would take for the object to move to the 150.0 meter mark, you would need to locate the point on the graph where the distance is 150.0 meters. Then, you can determine the corresponding time value on the x-axis to find the time it takes for the object to reach that point.

What must you do to hit a target with a thrown or propelled object?

To hit a target with a thrown or propelled object, you need to aim accurately, adjust for distance and wind conditions, and apply the correct amount of force or velocity to reach the target. Practice and skill development are also essential to improve accuracy and precision in hitting your target.

What two values do you need to know to calculate the momentum of an object?

To calculate the momentum of an object, you need to know its mass and velocity. The momentum of an object is the product of its mass and velocity, which indicates how difficult it is to stop the object when it's in motion.

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Mopp 4