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I think you are asking if Social Security will be avaialble when someone retires twenty years from now. The answer is yes. The literature that came with the last Social Security update states Social Security will not be in danger until at least twenty thirty seven. And even then it will not completely disappear.

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Q: Is it true that those who retire 20 years from now will not be eligible for social security payments to help supplement their retirement?
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Does your unemployment cease when you become eligible for Social Security benefits?

Disability payments are Social Security Payments. When a person reaches full retirement age (66), the payments continue as normal, but are no longer considered disability payments. A person does not receive two payments.

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What group determines whether someone is eligible for medicare and processes their premium payments?

Social Security Administration

Can you use a dependents social security retirement payments as child support payments?

If the checks are coming to you, the money is yours to spend on the child's up keep.

Which group of people is not served by Medicare?

persons under age 65 and not eligible for Social Security disability payments

Which group of people is not served medicare?

persons under age 65 and not eligible for Social Security disability payments

When are you eligible for Social Security retirement benefits?

You have to be someone that is at least 62.

Can you file for social security at age 62 and receive unemployment benefits in Ohio at the same time?

If you are eligible for social security retirement (and I think for your age group the eligible age is 65), go ahead and apply for it while you apply for unemployment at the same time. The unemployment will come in first, and receipt of it shouldn't affect your retirement benefits. You can earn as much as you want outside of retirement.

Will your Social Security payments be reduced when your spouse becomes eligible and receives his Social Security?

No. Your benefits are calculated individually and do not change when your spouse begins receiving his or her benefits.

Is social security considered retirement?

Your question is confusing. Are you asking about receiving monthly Social Security checks? Or are you asking about Social Security Disability payments. They are two different types of Social Security Benefits.

What are some other sources of retirement income besides Social Security?

There are some other sources of retirement income other than SOcial Security. if you worked at a job with a pension plan, you will receive pension payments every month as well.

Can you draw social security disability out of the US?

If you are a U.S. citizen, you may receive your Social Security payments outside the United States as long as you are eligible for them. However, there are some countries that the payments cannot be sent, so it would best to contact your Social Security Office to find out which are the ones.