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Q: Is it true that visceral muscle is voluntary?
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What is the difference between visceral muscle and skeletal muscle?

1) skeletal muscle is voluntary 1) visceral muscle is involuntary 2) it is striated . 2) it is non striated 3) highly organized muscle. 3) less organized muscle

What is the rhythmic of the visceral muscle?

smooth muscle

How are voluntary and involuntary muscle different from each other?

Generally, voluntary muscles are striated and skeletal muscles, while involuntary muscles are smooth muscles and are visceral (located in organs). Voluntary muscles are muscles that can be consciously contracted, while involuntary muscles are muscles that are contracted at certain times or at all times without the conscious consent of the brain.

What is the other name of visceral muscle?

Smooth Muscle

What is the rhythmic movement of the visceral muscle?

smooth muscle

What muscle is visceral muscle also?

single unit smooth muscle

What is the visceral muscle known as?

Muscles are made up of "excitable cells" which can contract. Visceral muscle is smooth muscle--one of three types of muscles in the body. Visceral muscle is found in the body in places like the arteries, bladder, the digestive tract and many other muscles which need to contract in order to perform their job.

Is the neck a voluntary or involuntary muscle?

neck muscle is voluntary muscle i think this is correct

The rhythmic movement of visceral muscle is called what?

smooth muscle

What is a voluntary muscle?

Voluntary muscle is the one we can control. For example, the skeletal muscle.

Visceral muscle is also known as what?

single unit smooth muscle

Is a skeletal muscle the same as a striated muscle?

Yes, skeletal muscles are voluntary, meaning they can be intentionally controlled. This distinguishes them from the cardiac muscle (heart) and smooth muscles, which are involuntary.