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Q: Is it true that wind erosion tends to occur in areas of heavy vegetation cover?
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Why is erosion more common in areas where there is little vegetation?

Vegetation, such as grasses, shrubs and trees help to cover and protect soil from being washed away by heavy rain.

Why can a heavy rain shower cause a large amount of erosion in a desert area?

There is a lack of vegetation

Do steep areas with heavy rainfall or dry regions with few trees suffer more from erosion compound subject?

Steep areas with heavy rainfall usually tend to suffer more.

What kinds of ecosystems occur in areas of high precipitation?

Rain forests and heavy soil erosion are the kinds of ecosystems that occur in the areas of high precipitation.

What are the 3 causes of floods in rural areas?

heavy rainfall, monsoons , soil erosion, cutting of trees are the main causes of floods in rural areas

What are the influencing factors of surface run off?

Run-off vs Infiltration Run-off influencing Factors: Wet soil, impermeable rock (acquiclude) heavy rain, steep slope or gradient, less vegetation cover, erosion, artificial land surfaces I.e Tar Infiltration influencing factors: Dry soil, permeable rock (acquifer) , soft rain, gentle or gradual gradient, vegetation cover,

Why does erosion occur faster in deserts than with a thick layer of vegetation?

Roots from the plants help to hold soil in place during periods of heavy rain.

What are some specific changes to Earths surface as a result of hurricanes and tornadoes?

Hurricanes can cause significant coast erosion. Flooding resulting from heavy rains can alter river channels. Tornadoes can destroy vegetation, but rarely cause significant amounts of soil erosion.

What areas or surfaces are effected by wind erosion?

All things exposed to the wind are prone to wind erosion. This includes buildings, hills, mountains, plains, deserts, anything. Areas protected most protected from wind erosion are areas with heavy plant growth. Plants take the brunt of the wind, and roots of the plants keep the soil and whatever other materials are in the ground in place.

What caused the heavy soil erosion in Italy?

heavy rainfall

Heavy rain can cause .?


How is erosion different from water and glacier erosion?

Wind does not carry heavy objects.