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It is believed that it began at a specific point of time. Stephen Hawking discusses time as a vector. If it is, then there is a definite beginning, but not necessarily an end. The problem is, this is more of a philosophical or theological question and answer. Some years ago at Syracuse University at a lecture given by Niels Bohr I heard him say that Physics and Philosophy are different sides of the same coin. We may be able to pear into the sky, and see to a point that we believe may have been the origin, but that doesn't preclude something before that.

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Q: Is it true the universe began at a specific point in the past and it has been expanding ever since?
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What is the theory of the big bang?

a theory that says that the universe began with a super-powerful explosion The word "explosion" carries a sense of something of large density expanding from a center point into a region of low density. This is NOT what happened during the Big Bang, despite many popular presentations that imply such an event. The Big Bang was NOT matter expanding from a center point into empty space, it was the expansion of space itself. There was nothing that this space was expanding INTO, it was just expanding.

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From an infinitesimally small point to the present size, the universe is still expanding as a result of the big bang.

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The Big Bang Theory is the name given to the theory of cosmic expansion. The idea is of an ever expanding universe. It posits that at some point all matter in the universe was contained within one point.

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No. More accurately, nothing in the universe is stationary. There is no single fixed reference point in the expanding universe, and all known astronomical objects are in motion with respect to one another.

Who proved all the galixies in the universe are expanding?

The galaxies themselves are not expanding, and they're not all retreating out from any central point. Every point in our Universe is moving away from every other point, because the entire fabric of space itself is expanding, taking the matter along with it. Thus, every observer at any point in our Universe observes all other galaxies moving away from the point where he happens to be located. No point can claim to be the "central" point. It was Edwin Hubble, working at Caltech and the Mt. Palomar observatory, who was able to compile the radial speeds of enough distant galaxies to demonstrate the general expansion in every direction.

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There is no reason to believe that the Universe will be "destroyed" - it will continue expanding, and at some point there won't be enough free energy left to support any type of life, but the Universe itself will continue existing.

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There is no reason to believe that the Universe will be "destroyed" - it will continue expanding, and at some point there won't be enough free energy left to support any type of life, but the Universe itself will continue existing.