

Best Answer

The answer to this question has to be based on the price that you are charged for each commodity and their time of use. Not knowing these parameters an answer will not be forth coming.

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Q: Is it true using an electric heater raises your heat bill more than just using your gas heat?
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Can a defective hot water heater double your electric bill?

actually a defective hot water has no any rating on it mainly the heater are of range of 700watt but defective heater show the same rating like the standard heatr but actually there is some looses in their internal circuits so finally defective hot water heater double ur bill. So, u are saying that it can? <<>> No, a defective hot water heater can not double your electric bill.

How To Reduce Your Average Monthly Electric Bill?

A space heater may seem like a good way to save money on gas if you do not want to have the heat up as high in your house, but you will need to see how it impacts your electricity bill. Many times these are the things that drive electric bills up to surprising levels. They use a lot of power to create all of that heat. If you want to reduce your average monthly electric bill, you will need to find out how much you are saving on gas. If it is less than you are spending in electricity, turn the heater off.

What if the electric company never sends you a bill?

Then you do not pay anything, but do not expect any service either! It is reasonable to assume that you should expect a bill and that you could be made to pay retroactively (when the electric company discovers that you are using power).

Does a 100 watt bulb raise your electric bill?

Any electrical device "raises your electric bill", but only when it is activated. (only when you turn on the switch) A 100 watt bulb, left on for 10 hours uses 1 KW-hr. A 10 watt bulb left on for 100 hours uses 1 KW-hr. It becomes relatively simple to understand that if the power company charges you a set price (for example $0.15/KW-Hr) the 10 watt bulb would raise your electric bill much more slowly than would the 100 watt bulb.

Do you need a recent electric bill for an electricity bill estimator?

Yes, having recent electric bill (preferably the one from last month) on hand is an important requirement when you are going to use an electricity bill estimator.

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Electric Hot Water Heater?

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Can a defective hot water heater double your electric bill?

actually a defective hot water has no any rating on it mainly the heater are of range of 700watt but defective heater show the same rating like the standard heatr but actually there is some looses in their internal circuits so finally defective hot water heater double ur bill. So, u are saying that it can? <<>> No, a defective hot water heater can not double your electric bill.

Using an Electric Bill Calculator?

Many people want to do an electric bill calculation, in order to see how much money they will need in a month for an electric bill expense. There are plenty of ways to do an electric bill calculation and figure out how much one will need to spend on an electric bill. One simple way is to simply call up an electric company and get help from the professionals at such a company. These people will be able to help any person estimate the costs of an electric bill, given one's situation. It is truly wise to do an electric bill calculation.

Tips for Reducing Electric Bill?

The electric bill can be a scary one during the really hot or cold seasons. Even though you've got to have that air conditioner and heater running at particular times, there are some ways to conserve energy and reduce your electric bill otherwise. You can drastically cut down on what you're charged for on your electric bill by turning off lights in rooms that you're not using, turn down the thermostats in your home, replace windows and insulation in your home, and so much more. These are some tried and true money-saving techniques that can transform your electric bill!

Does a wood burning fireplace really help save on your electric bill?

only if you like heat or have an electric heater. If it doesn't use gas & is an open-heated fireplace, then yes.

What is an electric bill?

electric bill is a electric consumtion

What is the average cost of an electric bill for a 900 square foot apartment?

When I lived in Florida our bill was about $100 in the winter and $200 in the summer for 1000 square feet. We had all electric appliances (kitchen, water heater, washer/dryer, heating/cooling).

What do you get when you cross a pelican with a lighting bolt?

A big electric bill.

What happened to the pelican who stuck his head into a wall socket?

he got an electric bill

Configure Your Hot Water Heater to Lower Your Electric Bill?

If you find yourself fretting over your electric bill each time it makes its way conveniently into your mailbox, it may help you feel better to know you're not alone. Many people are desperate for techniques and tips for lowering their bills so that they can have more money after all of the bills have been paid and sent in. Specifically, these are some easy and great tips for using your hot water heater to lower your electric bill. You don't have to be an expert to utilize these tips; just willing to make a few slight changes to your routine! One of the first things you can do to instantly begin lowering your electric bill is place a timer on your hot water heater. A hot water heater timer essentially can be used to schedule times to automatically turn on and off so that it doesn't end up using more electricity and energy than intended. During a high-use period, the timer will turn the hot water heater on for use, and during low-use periods, the timer will turn it off. It's a great addition to any utility room with a hot water heater. You'll even notice a difference on your electric bill, too! Another great way to save some money is by lowering the temperature on your hot water heater. Generally, heater manufacturers will recommend leaving the hot water heater set to a scaulding 140 degrees. In fact, for every 10 degrees you turn your hot water heater down, you can expect to save 3-5% on your electric bill. For example, turning your hot water heater's temperature down from 140 degrees to 120 won't be a noticeable difference in the shower, but on the electric bill, it will be. Try it out! Lastly, try to conserve as much as possible. You may already do this, but re-analyze exactly how much you're using hot water. For example, if you're washing a load of clothes that don't exactly require warm-hot water, just wash them on a cold cycle. Additionally, only wash clothes in loads; don't waste water or heat on just a few articles of clothing. While in the bathroom, avoid taking baths and try to take more short, 5-10 minute showers. Baths require a lot of water while showers can use significantly less if taken in short time frames. Remember, these are all great things that you can do to lower your hot water heater usage and ultimately lower your electric bill to something a lot more manageable.

How To Reduce Your Average Monthly Electric Bill?

A space heater may seem like a good way to save money on gas if you do not want to have the heat up as high in your house, but you will need to see how it impacts your electricity bill. Many times these are the things that drive electric bills up to surprising levels. They use a lot of power to create all of that heat. If you want to reduce your average monthly electric bill, you will need to find out how much you are saving on gas. If it is less than you are spending in electricity, turn the heater off.

Reducing Your Gas and Electric Bill?

Your gas and electric bill can seem as though it is going through the roof, especially when it is cold outside, or during the summer months. Make a few changes to save money on your gas and electric bill. Buy energy efficient light bulbs, which provide the same light using less energy. Consider buying an instant water heater instead of a heating. It uses less energy. Think about buying a heat pump to replace or supplement your heater. Look into improving your windows for better insulation. Change your habits by turning off lights and appliances when they aren't needed, turning down your HVAC systems, and taking shorter, cooler showers.