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no, if you drink milk after eating hot Cheetos it will take the hotness away( in 10-15 mins) i have tried it before

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Q: Is it true you cant drink milk after you eat hot cheetos?
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Is it true that Beer helps richen breast milk?

if i were you then i would think that it wasn't true when my mom was preagnant with me she didn't drink 1 time!!!

Is this true that drink milk after eating fish the skin may diseases?

No, I have been doing it for years and have not had any problems.

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Because somehow but it is true that it gives you more mucus that you had before

How long will you cough after you quit smoking?

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Why do people drink soy milk?

People drink soy milk for various reasons. Some people are lactose-intolerant and cannot drink regular milk, so they choose soy instead. Other people prefer the taste of soy milk. Still others might choose soy for its purported health benefits.