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No, however, when you are a fetus, the heart does pump blood to the lungs as there is no need; there is also a hole in the wall seperating the ventricles, which closes up as the baby develops and starts to pump blood. If this does not close up properly, this can lead to major heart problems.

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Q: Is it true your heart is not part of your circulatory system when you're a baby?
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1-4 weeks- Neural tube forms - It will develop into the nervous system. Brain, spinal cord, hair, and skin. Heart and primitive circulatory system rapidly form - While still in its beginning stages, this is the very life support system.

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The circulatory and respiratory systems must work on their own.

How does a baby's respiration and circulation change when a baby is born?

The circulatory and respiratory systems must work on their own.

How the baby's respiration and circulation change when the baby is born?

The circulatory and respiratory systems must work on their own.

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How is the circulatory system of an unborn baby different to that after it had been born?

it is because the right side of the heart takes the oxygenated blood around to the other parts of the body while the left side takes the deoxygenated blood to the lungs so it basically swaps the other way around because in a baby that has already been born, the right side of the heart would take the deoxygenated blood to the lungs and the left side takes the oxygenated blood to the other parts of the body.