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Most people with depression especially young people have no idea of their anguish (depression) they feel they are the only ones experiencing such pain and heart ache. Often it is not diagnosed in young people because of their fear of telling somone, but with depression being taught in school a teenager becomes aware of it, and may not in class- but in their own time look it up, then reach out, but for some unfortunately they dont.

For someone who suspects they have depression or are tiring of the feeling of "emptyness" or loss of past hobbies they would commonly reach out.
Due to the fact that adults are less likely to be good at hiding their depression then teenagers

So depending of the past history of a person whether they had it before (and know the symptoms, the chances of them looking up symptoms is very common in an attempt to understand what they have.

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Q: Is it typical for a depressed person to look up symptoms of depression before they are actually diagnosed?
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Bipolar depression is a mood disorder that has been diagnosed by a psychiatrist. The most common symptoms include mood swings that interfere with the functions of your daily life, periods of depressed mood, low self esteem, crying spells, and under or over sleeping.

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Flat affect is one of the primary symptoms of depression.

Where can you go to be diagnosed with depression disorder?

You can go to pretty much any doctor to get diagnosed with depression disorder. Depression is more common than people know so most doctors are pretty well trained in the symptoms of depression.

What year was major depression first diagnosed?

Both depression and bipolar were known and documented by Hippocrates if not before that. They just had different names, but can be recognized by their symptoms.

Why is it important to know the client's history before he is diagnosed with his present diagnosis?

Because he might have another illness that is causing his current symptoms. For example, if someone is severely depressed, then the person would (obviously) be diagnosed with depression. If, however, the person has a history of Bipolar II, then the person would probably have a diagnosis of Bipolar II instead.

What are some depression symptoms in adults?

Depression symptoms in adults can include loss of interest in everday things, a lack of focus, not eating regularly or at all. Becoming withdrawn is a sign that an adult may be becoming depressed. mean looking

How closely linked is depression and bipolar?

Depression is one of the symptoms of bipolar. Also known as manic-depressive, the individual alternates between states of manic activity and being depressed.

Easily Ignored Symptoms of Depression?

When many people think about depression, they imagine someone who is unable to carry on daily functions, debilitated by sadness, and even suicidal. However, most people who have depression work or go to school, have friends, and socialize. Except in the most serious cases of major depression, many of depression's most common symptoms are ones that may easily be ignored, explained away, or attributed to another condition. Many people equate depression with feelings of sadness, and a sense of sadness or worry that does not go away is one of the first signs of depression. Everyone experiences rough days or sad times periodically, and certain life events can cause a depressed mood. However, depression differs from a situation or temporary depressed mood. A person with clinical depression may experience a feeling of hopelessness about the future or helplessness about the present. Negative thoughts are moods are persistent and seem to be uncontrollable for someone with depression. Insomnia and even stress may mask some symptoms of depression. Someone with depression may not get enough sleep or sleep too much. In addition, some symptoms of depression can be blamed on a stressful job or family situation: lack of focus, drinking more than usual, or irritability. Unusual patterns of eating are also symptoms of depression that can be ignored. Like with sleep, depression can cause either an increase or a decrease in eating. In addition, loss of interest in sex is a condition that can easily be blamed on life, kids, or work, but it is also a symptom of depression. If these symptoms persist or are combined with other symptoms of depression, an individual may actually have clinical depression. Someone experiencing some of the symptoms mentioned above should monitor symptoms to assess whether depression could be the real cause. For most people with clinical depression, multiple symptoms are present, and the symptoms persist for more than two weeks. Even if a life event or situation seems to be the cause of the symptoms, depression may still develop. A number of people who are diagnosed with depression develop the condition after a major life event, such as a move, wedding, divorce, childbirth, or loss.

What kinds of depression are there?

There are two main types of clinical depression; Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)and Dysthymia. MDD generally involves more intense symptoms of depression than Dysthymia, however it does not last as long. There is also Double Depression, which is when a person is afflicted with both MDD and Dysthymia. Often times, people experience symptoms of depression without being being considerred clinically depressed. In order to be diagnosed with clinical depression, there are many specifications, such as not having suffered a loss recently. The DSM-IV TR goes into more detail, but if you're concerned that you or someone you know is depressed, I'd advise you or them to seek help from a professional. If money is an issue, I'd recommend looking for a free mental health clinic in your area.

From the experience described do I have bi polar?

This can be classified as Bipolar. I am actually a diagnosed and medicated Bipolar person. Bipolar and Depression symptoms can be very similar but if your emotions are rapid and changing constantly, this would be classified more as a Bipolar condition.

Are men diagnosed more often with major depression than women?

Men aren't actually more depressed on average than women. The idea is that women suffer from the same, however their hormonal imbalances (which cause depressed feelings) are more closely checked and noticed thanks to medications, doctors visits and the like. Men are overlooked in their hormonal balances because everyone thinks that they are self-reliant and don't have mood issues as a result of imbalances, while the opposite is more true. As a result, men are more quickly labeled as having depression while in reality they may be suffering from other things causing the depression symptoms.