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Only if at some point they can use her to successfully punch you in the gut with it and hopefully get a low blow or a strike to the heart. Keep away from them. == ==

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Q: Is it typical of narcissist to keep their new gfs in hiding after you dump them?
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Is it typical of a narcissist to ignore you then get upset when you don't pursue him?

Yes. And let him... keep going... as FAR AWAY from him as possible.

Why does the narcissist keep coming back?

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You keep reminding her that you are her child after all. Tell her that you are updated version of her!

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They feed off of YOUR reactions.

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Dont, dump him!

What will happen if you keep enableing a narcissistic person?

They will not change, or even realize they are a narcissist. And you will get more and more annoyed.

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Sure it is, if your not happy you should keep looking until you are yes dump that itchbays like garbage

Why does a narcissist keep another women a secret from ex partner?

Narcissists need to keep their various relationships and acquaintances separate from each other so that the various groups or individuals cannot get together and"compare" notes since the life of a narcissist is based on lies, illusions and delusions. This is essential to the narcissist because they lie so much about everything and because they create false "realities" in order to impress others.

Are there ways to cope with a narcissist?

Yes, depending on the group (social) dynamic. A narcissist's ego must be stroked. Your opinion is meaningless to them. If you feel they have value worth the cost, you will stroke it. The behavior is destructive; keep a safe distance.

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Does a narcissist every change any behaviors for example stop drinking?

No. A narcissist cannot change. Narcissism is an untreatable personality disorder. It is unrealistic to believe a narcissist can change any behavior. In the world of the narcissist, he or she is center, remorseless, and sees no reason to change. He may manipulate his chosen one into believing he will change as manipulation and omnipotence are core to his insatiable need to control and keep his partner. Losing is not an option for the narcissist. Because of his inability to feel remorse, the narcissist acts out normal responses based purely on observation of others. He may say he will stop drinking to keep the relationship of abuse and chaos intact. Indeed, he cannot perceive a reason not to do exactly as he chooses to do. The narcissist lacks the ability to be accountable to any person or promise. He has no sense of remorse, no need or feelings for others exept to objectify

For Christmas he came to my house empty handed and he lied about bringing a gift should I dump him?

If he's good-looking keep him around for awhile, if not, dump him immediately.