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Q: Is it weird to use khaki dress pants as khaki chinos?
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How do you know when someone pooped their pants?

They smell weird and there pants are all bagy and big. and they small like poop

Should kids dress weird at school?

No literally not. Why would they dress wired? They are the wonderful creatures and must dress adorable.

Why does lady gaga wear a meatball dress?

Because she's weird

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How should you dress at 22?

dress naturally though not embarassingly. wear what u like tho not anything 2 weird

Why does LadyGaga dress weird?

uhhh because she can. she is a trend setter original. period.

Do guys like girls who dress weird?

noo but they do like fat girls

Would it be weird to wear cowboy boots to grad?

No,you dress the way you want to.

What don't Gary and Wyatt do when they take a shower with Lisa in Weird Science?

Take off their pants

Is it weird for a tomboy to wear a dress?

no your a tomboy not a wimpy girl you freak for gods sake

Why does Steve perry dress weird?

Dont ask me (he does have some wierd clothing though)