

Is it wise to sleep under a tree during the day?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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no acorns fall on your head TRUST ME I TRIED

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Q: Is it wise to sleep under a tree during the day?
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Is it wise to sleep under a tree at the day?


Is it wise to sleep under a tree during the day or at night give reasons?

It is wiser to sleep under a tree during the day than at night because... During the day, in presence of sunlight, plants use up carbon dioxide and release oxygen for photosynthesis. But during the night plants can't photosynthesize as there is no sunlight, which is needed for photosynthesis. So instead of taking in carbon dioxide and giving out oxygen, they do the opposite. Therefor there is an increased level of carbon dioxide in the air. If someone is sleeping under a tree at night the increased level of carbon dioxide will affect their health. So sleeping under a tree at day time is wiser then sleeping under a tree at night time.

Which animal sleep during the day and said to be wise?

An owl

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wise tree :)

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Frontal lobes are not very active during sleep; that is where the inhibition function lies. This is why (in your dreams) you do not make wise decisions.

How did putting presents under the tree start?

it started years ago when baby jesus got gifts from the 3 wise men

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No,but if it is cheek it's eyes for swelling and blindness other wise bye some turtle eye droppings at petsmart!

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If I may proffer a word to the wise... The wise old owl and the noisy crow began to dance about, right in front of the tree.

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well if you change your area to a really noisy area then it would change your sleep but other wise it wouldn't change the amount of sleep you get.

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the star the wise men followed

Are there any sleep aid syrups for a 2 month old baby or can i give him a smaller dose of panadol to help him sleep?

It's not recommended to give any 2 month old other wise healthy baby any medications just because he doesn't sleep well. Try to play and keep the baby up during the day. Don't carry or hold the baby during the day unless.