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Sounds harmless enough. I reckon Our Lord might have bigger things to worry about.

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Q: Is it wrong for a Christian to have this fetish of peeing in cups?
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How many cups in a gallon of milk?

The answer is 32 cups. The answer above is WRONG. The correct answer is 16 cups.

How many cups there are in 5 gallons?

Well... if the cup is 250 mL then it would equil about.... 75-76 cups P.S. I could be wrong.

What is the use of communion cups?

The use of communion cups are to symbolically drink the blood of Jesus. This is used in many Christian churches around the United States and the world.

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There are 5 cups in 500 ml ---careful, I'm looking up this same question and others say this person is wrong !

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What is the use of cups?

The use of communion cups are to symbolically drink the blood of Jesus. This is used in many Christian churches around the United States and the world.

If there are three cups of sugar and you take one away how many do you have?

2 CUPS The previous answer is wrong, the answer is One Cup, there are Three, and YOU take one, so YOU have one cup.

How many cups in 32 oz of flour?

4 cups. One cup = 8 ounces. This answer is wrong. There are about 5 ounces of flour(all purpose) in one cup. 32 ounces of flour= 6.4 cups

How many pints are equal to 10 cups?

There are 5 pints in 10 cups. Each pint is equal to 2 cups.

What steps did Emperor Charles V and Francis of France both take that shocked the Christian world?

They both farted in plastic solo cups, exchanged the cups, and sniffed eachothers sweet smell

How many cups are in two tablespoons?

48 Wrong. 16 Tbs/cup x 2 = 32

Is a reese's peanut butter a candy bar?

No, they are cups. They don't look like a bar. Andy is Wrong