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This cannot be a yes or no answer. There is to much involved to leave it at one word. The Bible shaped Western Culture. But we have gotten so far from it that most people have no idea how much of our law and government was set up specifically for Biblical reasons. Much has changed in the way that mankind views morality, right and wrong over the centuries. But just as the truth never changes , right and wrong are constant. The only difference is what we tell ourselves about it. Biblically it is wrong for a woman to cut her hair. Just as sex outside marriage stealing, gossip, profanity, and (big surprise) Gluttony are all serious issues. But along with a number of other common sins, we have done it for so long now that even many Christians don't realize it is wrong. It is wrong but culturally acceptable. The facts didn't change. We just distorted them.

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Q: Is it wrong for a woman to cut her hair?
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Why should Women not cut hair?

It's wrong for women to cut their hair it says it on the bible 2 Also women should NEVER EVER get their hair cut the reason y it's becuz if u cut ur hair your goin to miss it, its best to never get/hav a hair cut as a woman ever its best for men to hav their hair kinda long but for women never

When should a woman cut her long hair?

When (and IF) she's ready to.

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We believe that a woman should not cut her hair because it is her glory.

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Pregnant woman can cut their hair but not dye or highlight their hair while pregnant because of harmful chemicals in the dye.

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start smoking and cut her hair and drinking

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you cut it. put jell in it and my a fohawk with blonde tips

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It is to your convenience as a woman. For men it is better to be cut completely.

How did the Ancient Greeks Cut their hair?

The woman in ancient greece just tied there hair in a but, but did not cut it. The men got their hair cut with normal scissors as we do today.

What is the difference between a hair salon and a barber?

The difference between a hair salon and a barber is that normally a barber will cut Men's hair and give them shaves. A hair salon usually is for woman who will get their hair washed, cut, blown, permed, styled or colored. However, many men do get their hair cut at hair salons, it is not only for women.

What is wrong with Finn from adventure time's hat?

i believe nothing is wrong with his hat, he simply just wears it, and hides his golden LONG hair. as shown in the episode, how to cut a womans hair

Should you cut your hair or keep it long?

for men: keep it kinda long for women: always keep it long also never go/get a hair cut never if ur a woman