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As this question is asking for an opinion, there will necessarily be conflicting answers.

Answer 1

Just judging from talking to pastors, deacons and reading on the internet reading from the niv and quoting it is blasphemy. Over 64k words have been completely taken out, versus KJB. Also some scriptures have been completely twisted. In all I guess why someone would say you should not read it is b/c Key elements have been taken out and words have been added. The Bible says not to add to his words or taketh away. So you be the judge.

Answer 2

While the NIV should certainly not be used for exegesis, neither should any other Bible in English be used for such a purpose. Translation itself causes a change in the meaning of the material and the greatest understanding of the New and Old Testaments can only occur in Koine Greek, Aramaic, and Hebrew. (Nobody would ever suggest that reading Anna Karenina in English is equivalent to reading it in Russian, so why would the most holy book be treated differently?) As for understanding what the Bible generally purports to tell, the NIV makes the Bible accessible in a way that the KJB no longer does. However, a better version (in the scholastic sense) of the text would be the NSRV which does use modern language as well.

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Q: Is it wrong to read the New International Version Bible?
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I recommend either the King James Version or New King James Version...good question That may actually vary depending on your reading level. King James Version is somewhat more difficult to read than the other versions since it's the earliest version, whereas something like The Message may be easier to read. It also depends on whether or not you want whole verses of the bible cut out. New King James is Easier to read than the old one

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