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From a mental health standpoint, it is very healthy indeed!

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Q: Is keePing positive and not compare yourself with other people being healthy?
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What are prevention techniques for keeping yourself healthy?

Get vaccinations,Adopt a healthy lifestyle,and Practice good hygiene

What size breasts should a 15 year old girl have?

Just like adult female's, there is no "norm." It will vary from one girl to the next. Try not to compare yourself to your friends or classmates. Concentrate more on keeping your body healthy and active. The rest will come naturally on its own.

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You can stop writing on yourself by keeping a pen, marker or pencil away from whatever part of your body you are writing on. Writing on yourself is a bad habit, and like all bad habits, it needs broken. Ink going into your skin is not healthy for your skin at all. By keeping a writing tool away from your body, you can stop writing on yourself.

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If the health report is dependent for the job then there is a mental worry but that will ensure you keeping yourself in restrictions and follow a healthy lifestyle.

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One strategy that would have the least positive impact on life expectancy is lack of exercise. Keeping fit and healthy is important in improving life expectancy.

Is 45 too old to be keeping fit and healthy?

No, 45 is not to old to be keeping fit and healthy. It is a great idea to become fit and healthy at any age.

Who is responsible in keeping yourself healthy?

You are silly! If you don't go for 2 fruit and 5 vegetables each day, then you will become obese and unhealthy. It's not for ma or pa's job to look after yourself, it's yours! By Bella Stuck

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They are not

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What is football for?

Keeping people entertained, and as a side-effect keeping them fit, healthy and happy.

Slogan in keeping our self healty?

be wealthy , be healthy