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No it is not allowed. One kiss leads to another, which leads to more and more. It is not allowed.

If it happens, however, the two should each ask Allah to forgive them their mistake. God is Forgiving, God is Merciful.

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Q: Is kissing allow before marriage between engaged girl band boy?
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Is it forbidden to kiss before engagement in Islam?

yes, kissing between man and woman before marriage is forbidden.

What does quran say about kissing?

Sex before marriage is totally forbidden even the kiss.

Can a 14 year old get engaged?

There's nothing against the law in a 14 year old getting engaged but marriage will not be able to take place until she is at least 16 and this is with her parents full permission.Without her parents permission she can get married at 18 years old.

If you kiss your girlfriend before marriage is it adultery?

Adultry is 'cheating' on your wife. In most places kissing is not considered a sin and is certainly not a crime.

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During marriage it believed your attention will be divided between family and studies. But before marriage one can have the full concentration on studies.

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Yes everybody is allowed to kiss boys. There is nothing wrong with kissing.

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Beacause in the bible it says that its good not to kiss before marriage because it will lead to other things. I heard this from the Duggars.

What does Islam say about doing other things other than kissing with your lover?

Other things are permissible, just make sure not to have sexual intercourse before marriage. It is not allowed to have sex before marriage. It is a major sin to lose virginity before marriage. _____________________________________________ Any sexual practice (oral or intercourse sex) outside licit marriage is strictly forbidden per Islamic teachings and rules.

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The alternative to getting engaged before marriage would be to wake up one morning and find (POOF!) you had a spouse. Most societies have a period before marriage where the two parties, either the couple themselves or their relatives, agree that they will marry and initiate whatever legal or cultural events are required. Buddhists are no different. Whether they follow the North American process of engagement rings, showers, and so on depends on their cultural (as opposed to religious or philosophical) customs.

Is akon a Muslim because he kisses girls?

Yes he is a Muslim ... But Muslim strictly probhited kissing before marriage !! So you might get a wrong information but Akon is a Muslim .

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One - though, legally speaking, that man was somebody she had been engaged to before, which was how the marriage to Henry could be annulled.

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Tom Cruise was previously married to Mimi Rogers and then Nicole Kidman. His marriage to Katie Holmes is his third.