

Best Answer

Yes, knits is the third person singular form of knit.

You use knits when the subject of the sentence is singular eg

She knits while she watches TV. -- singular pronoun she

My mother knits while she watches TV -- singular noun mother

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Q: Is knits a verb
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What is the plural noun for knit?

The plural for of the noun 'knit' is knits (a word for knit garments or fabrics).The word 'knit' is also a verb.

Where does Gigi DAgostini DJ get his clothes from?

He knits them beside the fire. He knits them beside the fire.

What is the chicken called that knits in chicken run?

In the film, Chicken Run, the chicken that knits is called Babs.

What is correct knit or knitted?

Both are used. I would use knit as a verb and knitted as an adjective, but these days you often see knit used as an adjective too.

What type of knits are not likely to stretch a lot?

Heavily patterned knits, specifically those with lots of cables or traveling stitches will not stretch as much as other stitch patterns. Felted knits also will not stretch much.

How do you know if white dots in your hair is dandruff or knits?

knits are usually easier to see than dandruff when your hair is parted

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What are Amanda Seyfreids hobby's?

she knits

What do you call a person who knits?

A knitter.

How is polyester knitting done?

One knits with polyester yarn in much the same way that one knits with any other type of yarn.

Is Storybook Knits still in business?

It appears that Storybook Knits is still in business. If you want to contact them: Email Customer service at

What is the meaning of the name Weaver?

Weaver isn't a real name.Weaver is a verb though.If your looking for that its a person that knits clothing. Weaver is a noun, it means a person who weaves. It is also a proper noun, usually a surname.