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It doesn't matter how much knowledge you have if you can't spread it in a good way. :)

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Q: Is knowledge important than good attitude in school?
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Which is more important diligence or knowledge?

It is really hard to say that one is important than the other. Without imagination there is no knowledge and without knowledge there is no imagination. With knowledge you can live your life but with imagination you can have fun with your life. They are both really important

How come knowledge is so important in school?

So, you can get good grades, then into a good college, and get a nice job.

What do employers prefer knowledge or attitude?

Knowledge and attitude are two objects that can never be weighed on the same weighing balance. The former defines the latter and vice versa . On the whole we can say that right knowledge brings the right attitude or with right attitude comes the right knowledge. Seeking inspiration from the epic Ramayana, Ravana was a mastermind but his lack of right attitude led to his ruin. Employers look for people with good knowledge who possess the attitude to utilize their knowledge to the fullest.

What is Huck's attitude towards school?

huck's attitude toward's school is that he does not really like it so he runs away.Huck does not like school, he likes to be free not confined to a classroom

Why is a good attitude important in the medical environment?

so you don't get depressed.

What does a ballet dancer need to get started?

A good school and a hard working attitude.

How do you use knowledge worker in a sentence?

With computers being so important now, being a knowledge worker is a good thing to be.With computers being so important now, being a knowledge worker is a good thing to be.With computers being so important now, being a knowledge worker is a good thing to be.With computers being so important now, being a knowledge worker is a good thing to be.With computers being so important now, being a knowledge worker is a good thing to be.With computers being so important now, being a knowledge worker is a good thing to be.With computers being so important now, being a knowledge worker is a good thing to be.With computers being so important now, being a knowledge worker is a good thing to be.With computers being so important now, being a knowledge worker is a good thing to be.With computers being so important now, being a knowledge worker is a good thing to be.With computers being so important now, being a knowledge worker is a good thing to be.

How can you be good at school?

Study hard and pay-attention. Have a positive attitude about your school work, and things will come easy to you.

What is the necessary knowledge skills and behaviors needed possess to work effectively with others?

Patience, compromise, good attitude.

Write about a time that you had a positive attitude either in school or at work what happened.?

it was a good day

What are the values necessary for a good student?

Some important values for a good student include discipline, persistence, curiosity, and a positive attitude towards learning. These qualities can help a student stay focused, overcome challenges, seek out knowledge, and approach their studies with enthusiasm.

Why is it important to study rs in school?

everything is important in school or for school. you have to be able to learn or get a good education to go to a good college.