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Yes,Kronos The Titan Lord of greek mythology is both Zeus the most reconizable ancient greek and roman god ,and chiron an ancient greek centaur's father.

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Q: Is kronos both Zeus and chiron's father?
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Who are Zeus's perants?

Kronos and Rhea was Zeus's parents they were both Titans

Is zeus god of the sky father to Helios god of the sun?

The mother of Zeus was Rhea, his father was Kronos: both children of Gaea and Uranus - and siblings of Hyperion and Theia - the father and mother of Helios. Thus, they are cousins.

Is Demeter Zeus' sister?

Yes. Both their parents are Kronos and Rhea.

Did the greek goddess hera marry her brother Zeus?

Yes, Hera married Zeus, yes they are siblings - both being the children of Kronos and Rhea.

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The grandfather of Hermes was Atlas from his mother Maia, or Kronos by his father Zeus. Both Kronos and Atlas were immortal and did not die, Atlas was condemned to bear the heavens on his shoulders either as the mountains called Atlas or else becoming the constellation Kneeler. Kronos was driven into to pit of Tartarus later becoming a king of Elysian Islands.

Did Artemis have any uncles?

Chiron, Bythos, Aphros would be uncles by Kronos and Philyra; by Kronos and Rhea her uncles are Poseidon and Hades, both brothers of Zeus are her uncles; on her mother's side she did not have uncles.

How were Zeus and hades alike?

They were both sons of Kronos and RheaBoth pictured as middle aged menBoth rulers of their own domainBoth somewhat ruthless

How can Hera be Zeus' sister wife and mother?

Actually, Hera is Zeus' both wife and sister but not his mother. Their mother was the Titan Rhea, their father was the Titan Kronos. Plus, in myths, there's kinda no such thing as DNA so it wasn't really gross for god/goddess to marry each other. I hope this answer helped.

How was Zeus like his father?

They were both king of the gods. Cronus was king of the gods until Zeus was.

Is Zeus one of Hestia's brothers?

Hestia was the Goddess of the earth and was swallowed at birth with her brothers and sisters (except Zeus) by Kronos the titan. Zeus made Kronos disgorge them. Hestia was the sister of gods Zeus, Poseidon, marty, and goddesses Hera and Demeter. zues was the ruler of mount olympus, and his brother was martine the god of quirness. he loved leperconsand he likes pink dresses and rainbows he even had a golden toilet seat.Hestia was the sister of Zeus, being both the children of Rhea and Cronus.

Who out of the greek gods swallowed his babies?

Kronos did. He's not a god though, he's a titan. Kronos swoled, POsiden and Hades. Zeus saved them by tricking him into eating a brick. When he screamed, they both jumped out.Kronos was afraid they would over power him.

What myth has Zeus?

the myth of the gods vs. Titans. He was the son of Titans Kronos and Rhea. He tore open his fathers stomach to rescue his brothers and sisters, because his father had swallowed them to keep his thrown. Both deities fought but, the gods won, placing Zeus as one of the main gods. Particularly the main one. You could find more about him in Greek mythology.