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Yes, the play's readers and viewers tend to see Lady Macbeth as an evil woman. The first impression of her isn't positive. She first is introduced reading and reacting to a letter from her husband. She comes off as practical, organized, and intelligent. But these positive characteristics are overshadowed by her limitless ambition. Her ambitiousness leads her to call on the forces of evil to destroy another's life without any twinge of conscience. She can behave in such a way, because she cares only about becoming ever more powerful in Scotland. The crime apart, it's shocking that she's so treacherous, so ungrateful to a king who gives her husband honors and titles, and her a diamond.

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14y ago
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1mo ago

Yes, Lady Macbeth is often portrayed as a "fiendlike queen" due to her ruthlessness, manipulation, and ambition in Shakespeare's play "Macbeth." She is willing to go to great lengths, including murder, to help her husband seize power.

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14y ago

Yes, Lady Macbeth [b. c. 1015] was a 'fiendlike queen' in the Shakespearean play 'Macbeth'. That was the way in which the future King Malcolm III [d. November 13, 1093] described her, in Act 5 Scene 9 Line 35]. That description was based on her encouraging role in the murder of King Duncan I [d. August 14, 1040], and her continuing problems with raging, uncontrolled ambition.

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11y ago

yes she is a evil person with highambitions because shes the one and the 3 witches who influemnced macbeth

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12y ago

big fat hubbabubba

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Q: Was Lady Macbeth a 'fiendlike queen'?
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Who was Macbeth queen?

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Lady Macbeth commits suicide offstage due to her guilt and inner turmoil over her involvement in the murder of King Duncan. Her guilt and overwhelming sense of responsibility for the bloodshed ultimately drive her to take her own life.

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The contents of Macbeth's letter to Lady Macbeth was about Macbeth's prediction from the 3 witches he met in the beginning - about him being the Thane of Cawdor (thane means prince/king) and then the King of Scotland. Lady Macbeth becomes hyped, because she was waiting for the chance to have all the power to be a queen.

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Macbeth receives the news of Lady Macbeth's death from Seyton, his servant. Seyton informs Macbeth that she has died by suicide.

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Lady Macbeth will become Queen of Scotland. The reason why she wants him to commit treason is for the benefit of her crafty self. When he becomes King she will become Queen. She is not thinking of anyone bar herself and she is using Macbeth to get to the throne. Macbeth sadly falls for his 'good' wife's idea and ends up committing a bad deed!

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This soliloquy from Lady Macbeth reveals her cunning and ambitious nature. She is willing to manipulate her husband in order to achieve her desired outcome of becoming queen. Lady Macbeth's willingness to go to extreme lengths to seize power establishes her as a dominant and morally ambiguous character.

Is Macbeth a real ghost?

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