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Q: Is lake Ontario farther then Nevada to Wyoming than it is from Colorado to Illinois?
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Which is farther, Nevada to Wyoming or Colorado to Illinois?

Nevada from Illinois

Is it farther from Nevada to Wyoming than it is from Colorado to Illinois?

No, the distance from Colorado to Illinois is farther.

Is it farther from nevada to wyoming than it is from colarado to illinois?

It is 775 miles from Nevada to Wyoming, and 1,013 miles from Colorado to Illinois.

Which is farther Nevada to Wyoming or Colorado toIllinois?

I understand your question, The answer is olorado to Illinois.

Is it farther from Nevada to Wyoming than it is from Colorado to illinos?

i dont know

What state is farther north Wyoming or Coloarado?

Wyoming is farther north, for it sits on top of Colorado

Which is farther navada to wyoming or Colorado to Illinois?

Colorado to Illinois is father than Nevada to Wyoming. However, this will also depend on the mode of travel and which town or city you start from and plan to go to in each state.

Who is farther north Wyoming or Colorado?


Is Colorado or Wyoming farther north?


Which of the five great lakes is farther from Wyoming or South Dakota?

Lake Ontario is farther east and the distance to Wyoming would be greater from Wyoming then from South Dakota.

Which of the Great Lakes is farther from Wyoming or South Dakota?

Lake Ontario is the eastern most of the Great Lakes and Wyoming would be farther than South Dakota.

Which is farther north Wyoming or Mississippi?

Wyoming is farther north than Mississippi.