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Q: Is lamppost two words
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What is a compound word with lamp?

Two such words are headlamp and lamplight. Additional words are lamppost and lampshade.

The compounds words of Morning glories climb up the lamppost?

Morning glories is not a compound word, but lamppost is a compound word.

What words start with lamp?

Lamplight, lampoon and lamppost are words. They begin with the word lamp.

What type of atom or molecule is lamppost?

What type of atom or molecule is in lamppost

What rhymes with compost?

Some of the words that rhyme with compost are bedpost, lamppost, goalpost, milepost, outpost, doorpost, guidepost, post, signpost, riposte are a lot of the words that are rhyme words.

What is an example of perfect rhyme?

A perfect rhyme occurs between two words or phrases in which the stressed vowel sound in each word is identical, and the articulation that precedes the vowel is not the same. An example of a perfect rhyme occurs between the words lamppost and almost.

How transparent these words firework lampPOST?

firework - fairly transparent. students at elementary and pre-intermediate levels will be able to understand the meaning. Lamppost - The words lamp post are not typically associated with something that is transparent as a person can physical touch it and see it. Transparent things are those like glass, water, and even the air.

Is lamppost a compound word?


How many calories are in a lamppost?


In The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe what does Lucy see first when she enters the forest?

Lucy sees a lamppost first when she enters the forest in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. The lamppost is a magical object that marks the boundary between the real world and the magical land of Narnia.

How transparent do you feel these words are lamppost?

The words lamp post are not typically associated with something that is transparent as a person can physical touch it and see it. Transparent things are those like glass, water, and even the air.

Which madness song has the word lamppost in the lyrics?

"Lovestruck", is the Answer.