

Best Answer

Yes, the word 'left' is a noun, a word for the left hand, part, side, or direction.

The word 'left' is also an adjective, describing a noun as of, relating to, directed toward, or located on the left side.

The word 'left' is also a verb, the past participle, past tense of the verb to leave.


Noun: At the end of the block, take the left.

Adjective: The left door will take you to the lobby.

Verb: We left in plenty of time to allow for traffic.

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Q: Is left a noun
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What is the plural of left?

Left is an uncountable noun and has no plural

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First, the pronouns need to agree-- I am holding a marker in "my" left hand. In this sentence, the word "my" and the word "left" become adjectives, because they are describing the noun "hand." If you wanted to describe the other noun (marker), you could say you were holding a "yellow" marker or a "large" marker. An adjective tells us more about the noun it is modifying.

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Yes, it is a noun, a form of the verb to remain. It is a part that remains or is left over.

What is the noun form of left?

The 'left' is a noun, a word for the opposite side, place, or direction of the right; a group or party favoring liberal, socialist, or radical views. The word 'left' is also an adjective and an adverb. The word 'left' is the past tense of the verb to leave (leaves, leaving, left). The word 'leave' is also a noun, a word for permission; a period of time away from your job, school, or the military; a departure. The noun form of the verb to leave is the gerund, leaving.

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A proper noun refers to a particular noun, such as a person's name. In the sentence, "Grandma looked tired and sad when she left the train," the proper noun is Grandma because it is capitalized and it refers to a specific person.

How do you use left as a noun?

"Left" as a noun refers to the side opposite of the right-hand side. For example, when giving directions, you might say, "Turn to the left." It can also refer to political leanings, as in "She is known for her left-leaning views."

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What is the collective nouns and the correct verb in the sentence two by two the choir has left the stage?

In the sentence:The word 'choir' is often a collective noun, but in this sentence it's not used as a collective noun; it is a singular, common noun and the subject of the sentence.The main verb is 'left' with the auxiliary verb 'has'; 'has left' is the complete verb.

Can a subject be a proper noun?

Yes a proper noun can be the subject of a sentence. eg John left home early this morning. -- John is the proper noun.