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The molecules are being altered so it is chemical change.

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Q: Is less gasoline that remains in the gas tank as carbon dioxide physical change or chemical change?
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Is gasoline being evaporated a chemical change?

It's both a chemical change and a physical change. Gasoline doesn't explode. In order for there to be an explosion, the combustion must happen in a sealed container. The gasoline combusts with oxygen in the atmosphere to form carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrous oxides, and soot, along with a lot of heat. The liquid gasoline produces mostly vaporous products, and in a sealed container, will generate very high pressures. The high pressure will cause the container to explode.

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Dry ice converts directly to a foggy gas without melting physical or chemical change?

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During any chemical or physical process, the energy of the universe remains unchanged.

When ice melts at room temperature is it physical property or chemical property?

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