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A kids life could be much, much than an adults life most of the times. (about 90% of the time) but with irresponsible kids these days, usually connects to the parents interaction. Like if the parent is on drugs or if they mistreat the child. Wouldn't you be mad too? It would be even harder if the parent had hurt the child physically. Most kids go to jail from doing bad things since their parents aren't their for them. So that 10% adults... look at it sometimes and see if you think you push your child too much or they want you to. If you don't know why your child is doing so poorly, you should maybe look back at your past and see what you did. Life for a kid is harder than most people realize... they just need to start paying attention. Bullies, relationships, homework problems, too much pushing to become the smartest, feeling left out... Not all kids feel this way. But that's a hint to see what children deal with and most of the times cause this pain on others, when they are mislead. Life is unfair...

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Q: Is life as a kid harder or easier than an adults?
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