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It has properties of both.

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Q: Is light energy considered to be a wave or a particle?
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Is light considered to be a wave or a particle?

It has properties of both.

Does light behave as a wave or a particle in chemistry?

Light doesn't really feature in chemistry but on the rare occasions it does it is as a wave and a form of energy, not a particle.

Does light have more wave or particle properties?

Both. E = mc2(squared) wave is an energy form while m is mass (particle) einstein proved that light acts as wave and particle at the same time.

Is light considered to be a wave of a particle?

One of the big questions. Depending on the test you make it can show either properties of a particle or a wave.

How do you detect if light is a particle or a wave?

Light is both a wave and a particle depending on circumstances; this is referred to as the wave-particle duality of light.

How does the speed of a photon compare with the speed of an electromagnetic wave?

Light can be considered as a wave, or as a particle. As a particle, the particles are called photons. As a wave, light is an electromagnetic wave. In either case, the speed of light (in a vacuum) is approximately 300,000 km/sec.

Light possesses two properties?

Light possesses both properties of a wave and a particle. As a wave it is an oscillating electric and magnetic field. As a particle, light is a packet of energy that is treated as a point particle that does not have an electric field without a charge.

What is the steam energy particle called?

While some forms of energy can be considered as either particle or wave, steam is not one of those. The energy of steam comes from it expansion. There is no steam energy particle.

What could be considered an energy particle?

Particles that exhibit wave- particle duality are considered high energy particles. One example is a photon. There is debate about whether these are real particles.

Is light a wave of energy?

light is neither a wave or a particle. Light exists as tiny packets of photons which are emitted at random. That is light in its simplest form.Visible light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum and as such is a form of energy.

Is light a matter. explain?

Light is quite complicated as it has wave-particle duality. Sometimes it acts like a particle other times like a wave. But technically no, it is not matter, it is made of energy

What is a photon-?

A particle of light. Or, in general, of an electromagnetic wave.