

Is light good for hamsters

Updated: 8/11/2023
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14y ago

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a little but do not put them in direct sunlight otherwise they will dry out

A hamster enclosure should be placed away from direct sunlight and drafts, and lined with an absorbent bedding such as timothy hay, aspen shavings, shredded paper or pelleted bedding. Do not use pine or cedar chips, as the fumes from these products can be harmful to your pets.

source (and additional information on hamster care) - see the Related Link below.

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Q: Is light good for hamsters
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Hamsters are nocturnal animals. Artificial light will confuse a hamsters sleeping patterns meaning that he is awake at the wrong times.

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hamsters prefer to be in darkness as they are nocturnal but if you need a light on near the cage then it should be dim and not too bright!

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are cookies bad for hamsters?

Cookies and other foods that are high in sugar are not good for hamsters. Hamsters generally eat pellets, although there are some fruits and vegetables that hamsters enjoy.