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depends on the light and day and year and month and night and week and second and minute and mili second and how smart you are.

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Q: Is light intensity low in grassland?
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What is the difference between a soft and a low intensity light?

Soft usually refers to the colour shade of the light. Low intensity means that the light is dim.

The grassland has low to no tides?

The grassland does not have tides. Low to no tides can be found in marshland.

How does light intensity change as you go from low power to high power magnification?

when you change from low power to high power the light intensity decreases. this is because the high power objective lens is smaller than the low power lens. therefore, the high power lens lets less light through

What low intensity light is composed of long wavelengths in the red orange spectrum?

The answer is........ Safelight

What is the light intensity in the arctic?

The light intensity is poop!

Is a black light safe to use as a night light to sleep with?

Yes. Provided it is a low intensity UV light. Don't use tanning equipment...

Does the rate of photosynthesis depend on the duration of light?

Low light intensity lowers the rate of photosynthesis, Normal sunlight is good for a normal rate of photosynthesis, Very high intensity bleaches (destruction) the chlorophyll

What are future scopes of automatic street light control systems?

we can use it in very low light intensity. so that it can save the energy.

Why do low lying plants such as scrub or tundra grow in some climates while rich forest grow in others?

At low temperature and very low light intensity only scrub vegetation can grow. For thick forests the there should be optimum temperature and high intensity of light as seen in tropical rain forests.

Why doesn't light travel deeper into water?

To travel far, you must have high intensity, which a normal torch light does not have to go through like, Marina Tench's depth. So! check the power of your torch light before diving at the great depth.Since the light goes on diverging (as you know from torch light) therefore the time that it reach the bed, the luminance of the light would get very low, so that is why the light can not travel deeper into the water. But intensity also matters here too. If you have very high intensity light source then you probably don't have to use any further more converging medium but if you use low intensity light source, no matter how much you try to converge it using a medium, it won't show as clear as the high intensity light did.

Which event illustrate the interaction of an abiotic factor with a biotic factor in the environment?

The low light intensity of the forest affects the growth of pine trees. The light intensity is an abiotic factor, the growth of pine trees is the biotic factor. This is your answer.

Refer to your graph of productivity and light intensity At what light intensity do you expect there to be?

0% light and 25% light