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It is chemica changel because it produces gas and the smoke it produce is one of the evidence that it is really a chemical change, also you can't put it back to its beginning state.

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12y ago
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13y ago

it is a physical change <<<<< Whoever wrote this was wrong!!!

Its both a physical and chemical!!!

well yes it does.

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9y ago

Physical, you are not changing the substance, you are only creating a different form of the substance, Sold to Liquid.

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6y ago

It is a chemical change.

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Q: Is lighting a candle a physical or a chemical change?
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Is Lighting candle physical or chemical change?

It is a chemical change.

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Lighting a match is a chemical change.

How is a burning candle both physical and chemical changes?

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Burning a candle is a chemical change. It cannot be "unburnt"

When the wick burns and the candle melts is it a chemical or physical change?

it is a chemical change

Is a candle melting a physical change or a chemical change?

It is a physical change because when it melts it is still a candle just a melted one

Is candle burning physical change?

Physical change means change physically while chemical change means change chemically or change in chemical properties.Like if you would drop a chip of zinc in sulphuric acid it will its color will be changed which is no doubt a physical change.But,also its properties are changed as it will be transformed into zinc sulphate from simple zinc,thus it also undergoes a chemical change. Now,with your question,the candle breaks but the candle remains the candle,so,its not a chemical change but a physical change only.Hope it helps!

Is burning a candle a chemical change or a physical change give reason?

It is both a physical and chemical change. The burning of the wick s chemical while the candle melting being physical.

What are the steps to prove that a burning of a candle is physical as well as a chemical change?

1. Melting of the candle is a physical change. 2. Burning and thermal decomposition are chemical changes.

Black smoke from candle physical change or chemical change?

chemical change Madison and Kayla were here ;)

Is candle wax melting physical property?

Melting candle wax is a chemical change. Why? Because when you cook or burn candle wax it melts so it is a chemical change.