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Q: Is linen very absorbent and is a good conductor of heat so it is cold to wear?
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Is cold water best conductor of electricity?

No, but impure is a good conductor of electricity.

Aluminum foil is it a cold conductor?

Things do not conduct cold, they conduct heat. Being a metal aluminum foil is both a good conductor of heat and electricity.

What is good thermal?

easily heated metals and a good conductor of heat also cold

Why metals are cold to touch?

Because metals are good conductor of heat

What is good about the fiber linen?

what is good and bad about linen

What is a good conductor for keeping things cold paper or plastic?

paper is thicker thus is hold cold or heat.

Are diapers good insulators?

diapers are good insulators because they hold in the cold and and heat but is a bad conductor

Is fat a good conductor of heat?

Yes it is good because you won't be cold inside but that does not mean you have to eat lots of food to be fat it is something that is inside of you that you have meat in it to not be cold.

Why is tile cold?

A tile feels cold to the touch, because it is a good conductor of heat, so the heat in your hand is taken away by the tile.

What is the name of an absorbent cotton or linen fabric used to dress wounds?

Surgical dressings can be made from a variety of absorbent materials. Examples include hydrocolloid dressings, polysaccharide pastes and gauze. Cloth, honey and even dung were used as dressings in pre-modern times.

Why does a sethoscope feel cold?

is it a stethoscope? if it is, then my answer is correct. they don't feel cold. they check your heartbeat from different directions. the end works as a speaker. it has a tiny hole which collects sound and the ear plugs emphasize it because metal is not only a good conductor of electricity, but also a good conductor of sound waves.

Is Magnesium Chloride a good conductor?

Magnesium chloride is a good conductor if melted or dissolved in an ionization promoting solvent; as a solid it is not a good conductor.