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yes, yes it is

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Q: Is lion a dangerous animal
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Related questions

Why lion isn't on the list of the most dangerous animal?

BECUSE lion is not the dangerous animal

What dangerous animals can be tamed?

A Lion is a dangerous animal and can be tamed

What animal is most dangerous to a lion?

If the lion has water skies, definatley a SHARK

Is the mountain lion the most dangerous animal?


What type of animal is Webkinz Dex Dangerous?

A lion

What is the most dangres a tiger or lion?

The tiger is more dangerous, as the lion is very lazy animal.

Who is the dangerous animal in the animal kingdom?

many people say the lion is but there are many other deadly animals in the world . Although the lion is the king of the jungle and very territorial.

What does the animal lion mean?

a lion is a animal

Which is more dangerous - the African lion or a mountain lion?

African lion is more dangerous because lion is the second largest cat after the tiger.

How is a lion dangerous?

dangerous it is complete dangerous for man and child and wife lion will ripped you to pieces

Are all lions dangerous?

Almost all lions are dangerous except for the ones born in captivity. You can never fully trust a wild animal. The lion is one of the top ten most dangerous animals in the world.

Is a lion a zoo animal?

A lion is both a zoo animal a wild animal. Most lions live out in the wild, hunting and sun bathing with their pack, if they have one. Then other lions live in captivity. Some people even keep lions as pets! I'm not saying do that, because that can be very dangerous...