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High pressure is stronger. Pressure is caused by the gas particles in a container hitting the sides of said container. At high pressure, the particles hit the sides of the container much more and therefore are pushing harder on the sides.

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Q: Is low pressure or high pressure stronger?
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What creates drag?

What specifically creates drag is actually air. If you passed grade six or are still in it, then you should know this. Drag is made when there is high air pressure ( still air) and low air pressure ( moving air) believe it or not, but high air pressure is stronger than low air pressure. And when there is low air pressure , say the lady bug is flapping its wing, that creats low air pressure, then high air pressure always pushes the object ( in this case the ladybug) in to the low air pressure. That is how drag is created. I think. X) Like a boss

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High pressure, and low temperature.High pressure, and low temperature.High pressure, and low temperature.High pressure, and low temperature.

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Hurricanes are low pressure systems.

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yes, anticyclones are high density and high pressure and cyclones are low density and low pressure

Does high pressure control hurricane?

It dpends on what you mean. A hurricane itself is a low pressure system. The lower the pressure, the stronger the storm. However, high pressure systems often play an important role in directing where a hurricane will go, though they are not the only factor.

Does wind move from high to low or low to high pressure?

High to Low.