

Is luke Rhodes gay

Updated: 8/28/2023
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14y ago

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no he is not he is the most amazing janoskian there is i love him and hopefully he can see how much of an amazing person he is himself he is HOT and cool and really funny he is not gay , if you mean by gay as in happy then yes he is happy with his life and what he has achieve he has millions of fans and janoskianators and i am proud to say i will always be there to support them all and luke my boy, till the very end i am a TRUE JANOSKIANATOR, LUKE IS NOT GAY ,BUT HE IS AND AMAZING AND AWESOME PERSON!

Reply to: Annabella Johna So what you're really saying is that he is amazing because he is NOT gay? So if he were gay, he couldn't still be your favorite and you'd judge him? It makes him less of a person if he liked men? Ignorance at it's finest. Learn to think before you say, or don't say anything at all.

Sincerely, Openly Bisexual and angry

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Luke Kenny the Indian musician, actor has not stated his sexual preference in public. speculate on what is personal and private information to any individual.

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