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it's good if it was not here we would be floating

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Q: Is magnetic force a good force or bad?
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Related questions

What force creates a magnetic force?

Typically, an electric current creates a magnetic force. Also, magnetic domains aligned correctly and properly can cause a magnetic force.

Why is force good for you?

Force is good for you, because you need it for self defense. Force can also be bad because you can risk your life or get a bad injury!

Is magnetic force?

Magnetic force is the force exerted between magnetic poles, producing magnetization of force, either of attraction or of repulsion.

What is a region where a magnetic force can be detected?

The magnetic field. If it's an electromagnet, the electromagnetic field.

Is magnetic force a matter?

Yes it is

What is the force on a circular conductor in a magnetic field?

magnetic force

Why does a compass needle change direction when it is near a magnetic field?

Because of the magnetic force. The compass needle is also magnetic.Because of the magnetic force. The compass needle is also magnetic.Because of the magnetic force. The compass needle is also magnetic.Because of the magnetic force. The compass needle is also magnetic.

Why are there magnetic force in magnets?

Magnets have magnetic force in them, obviously, to attract or repel magnetic materials. The materials could not be attracted without the magnetic force because the magnet forces the magnetic material towards it.

What type of force is magnetic force?

Magnetic force is a non-contact force. It can also be described as a force of 'Attraction' or 'Repulsion'.

Is a force that acts at a distance?

The electric force, the magnetic force and gravity, all act at a distance.The electric force, the magnetic force and gravity, all act at a distance.The electric force, the magnetic force and gravity, all act at a distance.The electric force, the magnetic force and gravity, all act at a distance.

When can charge experience magnetic force?

When the magnetic force closes . -Hope it helped

What is a sentence using the word magnetic force?

I like the word magnetic force.