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Man able to change body temperature of its own according to surrounding by physiological mechanism.The normal body temperature of human is about 37 degree celcius.but a slight change in body temperature whether increase or decrease it triggers corrective mechanism.So,negative feedback process can restore the body temperature to normal temperature (set point ).It occurs by the physiological mechanism.

firstly, by Increce in sweating ,evaporation of sweat requires latent heat of vaporisation,ths it cools the skin.

besides that,vasodilation or vasoconstrictin process help to regulate the body temperature.for an instance,when sphincter to arteriole constricted it reduced blood flow.While sphincter to shunt vessel is relaxed more blood flow through shunt vessel.So blood divertedfrom the skin surface, thus less heat is lost by radiation,convection & conduction,this process happens vice versa.

on the other hand,the pilo eractor mucsle contract the hair shafts become erect trapping a thicker stationary layer of air which act as heat insulator.

Furthermore,shivering also able to bring down the body temperature.By a rapid rhythmic involuntary contraction & relaxation of skeletal muscles resulting in increse in production of heat.

this is how man can regulate the boge temperature.

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The scientific term is "poikilothermic."

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Q: Is man changes body temperature of its own according to surrounding?
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