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God does bring forth life into the earth but even with help from doctors, God is still bringing babies into the world. Plus, if it wasn't God's will for you to get pregnant then even man couldn't stand in his way by making women artificially pregnant. If it wasn't God's will then he wouldn't have let you get pregnant artificially either Since God gave us dominion, or ownership rights, over creation we are entitled to act as if we own it for our benefit. But it should be obvious that God has ordained that this does not apply to human beings. "Know that the LORD is God! It is he that made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture." (Psalm 100)

Ownership rights can be vindicated or denied in varying degrees between the "Good Samaritan" and the murderer. The Good Samaritan actively vindicates God's ownership rights like the mother who breast feeds her child or the parent who works to feed the family or the person who donates the fruits of his labour to save the life of another etc. God's ownership rights are denied by denying life to others by any method, denying that God made us, denying that He made us male and female as the only means of procreation, assuming ownership rights over others for whatever reason even for what we consider the best of intentions etc. There used to be a saying that "the road to Hell is paved with good intentions".

Unfortunately the temptatation has been too great for some people who believe that their ownership rights extend to human beings, hence abortion, cloning, assuming authority over human fertilization etc. Just because we can do something does not mean that we are entitled to do it. It would appear therefore that in assuming ownership rights to human beings man is playing God.


The concerns with interference in fecundity (fertilization and abortion) seem to be the few concerns with medical interference in a "Divine Plan" in general that folks tend get fired up about. Certainly, if a person believes that there is a problem with "artificial" pregnancies, there should be an equal concern with artificial pancreases (insulin injections), antibiotics for infections, vaccinations, pain control, hip replacements, dentistry, blood vessels replacement, eye glasses, blood transfusions, corrective surgery, cancer treatments, organ transplants, pacemakers, prosthetic limbs, blood transfusions, Cesarean births - in short, any medical treatment that corrects problems and/or enhances or prolongs life. If a person rejects one (artificial pregnancy) surely the same logic should lead to the rejection of all medical intervention. Then we come to genetic manipulation which allows the creation of improved antibiotics, insulin creating microorganisms, anti-rejection drugs and other medical advances - surely this is bad too.

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Q: Is man playing God by making women artificially pregnant since only God brings forth life to Earth?
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