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Marijuana is a schedule 1 drug. It is scheduled to be more dangerous than meth.

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Q: Is marijuana a schedule 2 drug?
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What schedule is marijuana in?

Marijuana is classified as a Schedule I controlled substance under the Controlled Substances Act by the U.S. federal government. This means it is considered to have a high potential for abuse and no accepted medical use.

Marijuana is classified as?

According to our "intelligent" US government, marijuana is classified as a schedule 1 drug.....the worst of the worst, right up there with heroin. HOWEVER, cocaine is a schedule 2 drug, apparently not so bad for you compared to weed...according to our "intelligent" government.

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Phenytoin (Dilantin) is not a DEA controlled drug. It has no "schedule".

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What schedule drug is marijuana?

schedule 1. even if you live in a state where its legal, drug classifications are regulated federally not by the state, and federally its still illegal. pretty insane that its in the same group as herion and meth, huh?

What makes marijuana a controlled substances?

The DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) places substances into various schedules (1-5) based on their potential for causing addiction and medical usefulness. Marijuana (as THC, or dronabinol) is classified as schedule- 4, meaning its addiction potential is less than morphine, in schedule-2.

What classification is marijuana?

Marijuana is presently a Schedule I drug, which is absolutely ridiculous. It would have been rescheduled years ago but for politics. Of course, the most dangerous drug, alcohol, is sold legally in the US, so they need some sort of bogyman to point to.

In America what class does marijuana belong to?

Marijuana is categorized in Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act. It is entirely prohibited for all use by the federal government of the United States. Drug offenses relating to drugs within Schedule I have the toughest legal penalties.

Is Xanax a schedule 2 drug?

It's a 2, weirdly. Most sedatives, fast or short acting, are sked 4 tho

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Schedule 2.

Is Demerol a schedue 2 drug?

Yes, in the US, Demerol (meperidine) is a Schedule 2 drug.