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McFord University claims to be accredited but the accreditation body is unrecognized and carries no weight in any genuine academic circles. Therefore, any qualification that is offered or awarded by McFord University is considered to be worthless by all other genuine academic institutions.

.Consumers need to be warned about McFord University and ALL of the other website associated with this group in Pakistan. Below is a list of other unaccredited schools associated with McFord:

  • Ashwood University
  • Belford University, Belford High School
  • Cambell University
  • Corllins University
  • Headway University
  • Hill University
  • Lorenz University
  • Northern Port University
  • McFord University
  • Panworld University
  • Rochville University, Rochville High School
  • Western Advanced Central University
  • Western Valley Central University
  • Wilson State University
  • Woodfield University, Woodfield High School
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12y ago

The accrediting agency called IBOEA is not recognized anywhere by CHEA and therefore does not hold the same weight as traditional accrediting agencies.

There are only two universities that have the same accreditation and they are McFord University and its clone Panworld University.

Often times people have suggested that these two companies are related to each other because their websites are virtually identical. Additionally, they are the same as Belford University -- a University with his scathing history of "F" business ratings by the Better Business Bureau.

Please be aware that this is not a USA company. They are located in Pakistan. It is obvious by the way they write. Virtually all websites that promote these two universities are actually written by them.

Also noticed that they claim to have been in business 10+ years, however, for some reason their websites have only been around for one. Odd.

The last problem I will list here is that this University has no alumni group that you can speak to. Virtually every University -- whether or not it provides life experience degrees -- allows you to contact other alumni. There should be some type of an alumni group where you can contact thousands of other alumni. It isn't. It should create a red flag for anyone interested in pursuing an opportunity with this "school".

The following has been written by the owners of McFord University:

After examining this organisation, I came to know that McFord University is accredited by a body called 'International Bureau for Online Education Accreditation' (IBOEA). A big advantage that online universities have over traditional universities is that they can provide education to a large number of students, from different regions, at the same time and at the same platform. To attract students from all over the world, more online universities are opting for international accreditation. This provides their degrees an international recognition. Most probably this is why McFord is accredited with an international accreditation agency, IBOEA.

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11y ago

McFord is an accredited online university.

However, be aware that the accreditation body is not a recognized one. A little reading of the accreditation body's web site suggests that the writers have limited English writing skills. One would agree that an accreditation organization that publishes poorly written material is one that perhaps has less attention to detail than is required to do its job properly.

The university offers work based credit recognition. Universities that offer degrees based on "work experience" or "life experience" are generally not accepted as offering qualifications of value.

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11y ago

All private schools online or otherwise need to be accredited in order for their diploma to be recognized and accepted, I looked at this school's website and it seems like it is an accredited online school offering diploma programs. Look alright to me.

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12y ago

Yes. But is not accredited.

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