

Is megalodon alive or true

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Is megalodon alive or true
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What if megalodon is alive?

we would be it's meal.

When was the last megalodon seen?

i think the last time that the megalodon was seen was in 2010 because the scientist think that the megalodon shark is still alive in some research and do you think the megalodon shark is still alive?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Is megalodon alive?

Maybe. The world may never know.

Are Prehistoric Megalodon sharks still alive...?

the odds are is no but you never no

Does the megalodon still alive?

The megalodon is only known from fossilized teeth. They date from 25 to 2 million years ago. Megalodon died out during the early Quaternary period of the Cenozoic era.

When did the megalodon first roam the Earth?

When dinasours were alive

What is the world largest meat eating animal?

it is the carcardon megalodon shark if its still alive.(:

Is the largest shark alive?

The largest shark ever to live was megalodon, Upto 67 ft long.

When was megalodons alive?

C. megalodon appears in the fossil register in the Late Oligocene, and the more recent megalodon's fossil is from the Calabrian stage of the Pleistocene epoch.This only proves C. megalodon was alive, and in good health, from about 28 million years ago to 1.5 million years BCE.The oldest fossil found of a megalodon was not surely from the first megalodon alive, the same way the more recent tooth fossil accurately dated, from a million and a half years ago, was definetly not the last one alive!I will not comment here on theories from cryptologists of possible relic populations of C. megalodon still alive in the Pacific ocean.The Pacific is three-dimensionallyVAST, and we still know less about our oceans than we know about the surface of planet Mercury!A very significant number of cryptozoologists are serious marine biologists, or paleontologists.The rest of cryptozoologists are amateurs, more or less scientifically informed and honest.You have to judge for yourself the validity of their arguments.

What do megalodon eat?

When they were alive (they could possibly still be) they ate marine animals. Mostly baby whales to adult whales

Where does megalodon shark live?

i think megalodeen is still alive so you better whath out hes coming

What type of shark eats orca?

No shark can kill a orca. But if the Megalodon was still alive, then it could eat the orca.