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Q: Is melting an ice cream bar chemical or physical?
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Is melting ice cream a physical change?

A physical change is something that can be reversed (as opposed to a chemical change which cannot be). You can reverse melting an ice cream bar, by freezing it. Thus it's a physical change. Yes it is a physical change.

Is melting an ice cream bar a physical change?


Is melting a candy bar a chemical change?

Melting a candy bar is a physical change because it is just changing form, not changing the chemical makeup. (If it isn't making a new material, it is not a chemical change)

Which is not a physical change associated with aging?

a physical change is not a chemical change as it changes the physical appearance of the substance like state, color, size and shape

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Is digesting a candy bar a physical or a chemical process?

Chemical process

When a chocolate bar melts in the sun a physical or chemical change?

It is a physical change.

Is digestion of a candy bar a physical change or chemical change?

Chemical property

When a chocolate bar melts in the sun is it a chemical or physical change?

Physical because on the appearance of the chocolate bar changed

Is bending copper a physical of chemical change?

Yes this is a physical change because they are melting it and then it's being changed by the heat of the torch but heat is a physical change.

Is bending a metal rod chemical or physical change?

Physical Change, the metal has the same chemical structure and only the shape of the bar has changed

Forming a bar of gold into wire chemical or physical?

When a gold bar is shaped into a wire, the gold's chemical properties do not change. Only the physical appearance changes when gold is changed in shape. Thus, this is an example of a physical change.